Dem defends Obamacare disincentivizing work: Americans work too hard anyway

The Daily Caller – by Heather Smith

Minnesota Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison defended Obamacare against the Congressional Budget Office’s finding that “more than 2.5 million people are likely to reduce the amount of labor they choose to supply to some degree because of the Affordable Care Act.”

Ellison told ABC’s “This Week” panel Sunday morning that ACA will lead to “working more reasonable hours.”  

“Americans work way more than the average of industrialized countries around the world,” he said. ”What the Congressional Budget Office is saying, we’re going to discourage kids from being [in] latchkey. Have parents come home working reasonable hours. People can retire. People may be able to cook dinner rather than get takeout. The fact is is that if Americans can have more choices to open up a new business they have been wanting to start, this is a good thing.

“If you look at international comparisons country by country, Americans work way more than the average of industrialized countries around the world,” he continued. “We might to want look at our work-life balance, and this is something that gives us a great opportunity.”

Last week, several Democrats used a similar talking point in reaction to the CBO announcement by attacking job stability as “job lock.”

On Wednesday during the White House press briefing, press secretary Jay Carney spun Obamacare’s impact to employee hours as something Americans should “celebrate”:

“The benefit of having the freedom and choice and opportunity that health insurance security provides outweighs those considerations,” Carney said. “If you are somebody locked in a job and has to keep that job in order to make sure your family has healthcare, but you either can’t stand the job or you have a great idea to start a business, but you can’t go out and started because you lose healthcare if you get your job, this creates the opportunity for entrepreneurship that did not exist prior to the Affordable Care Act. That should be something conservatives celebrate. We do.”

During a CBO hearing on Wednesday, Democratic congressmen also claimed Obamacare is preventing job lock.

“The Affordable Care Act does end that job lock, allows Americans to choose to spend more time with their family or pursue their dreams,” said Maryland Democratic Rep. Chris Van Hollen.

“It could be someone on the lower end now working two part-time jobs instead of three part-time jobs, and what that means instead they might be able to tuck their child in bed at night and read a bed time story or go to an activity, which means they’re better off,” added Wisconsin Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan.

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11 thoughts on “Dem defends Obamacare disincentivizing work: Americans work too hard anyway

  1. “If you look at international comparisons country by country, Americans work way more than the average of industrialized countries around the world,” he continued. “We might to want look at our work-life balance, and this is something that gives us a great opportunity.”

    Really? Almost 50% of Americans don’t have jobs and people in China are working 60-70 hours a week. Most without paid overtime.

    So tell me oh wise ones, how is it that we Americans work WAY more than the average industrialized countries and need a “work-life balance”?

    How insulting can you be? What an insult to our intelligence. A two year old can even figure out you’re full of shit.

  2. ““It could be someone on the lower end now working two part-time jobs instead of three part-time jobs, and what that means instead they might be able to tuck their child in bed at night and read a bed time story or go to an activity, which means they’re better off,” added Wisconsin Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan.”

    BAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA!!! Oh my goodness, talk about condescending.

    PUHHLLEEASE! Do you even believe the shit that’s coming out of your mouth, Mark? I know We the People don’t.

    Do us all a favor, Mark and go jump out a skyscraper window.

  3. Work is good for the soul. People who don’t work, or keep the body and brain active are more likely to talk the commie talk and walk the commie walk. Put down the Mein Kampf and pick up the Bill of Rights, you damn turncoat traitor.

    1. Hahaha! I know, really. 😆

      It must be in the “Communist Dictionary” because I couldn’t find it in the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary. 😉

  4. Jay Carney always looks like he drank a beer BEFORE he got on air and then needs twice as many AFTER he gets off the air.

    He truly has no clue what the hell he’s saying. It’s just words coming out of his mouth in one incoherent rant that not even he can understand.

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