Democrat Charlie Rangel Calls for National Draft Ahead of War Vote on Syria

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

On Sunday, Congressman and criminal ethics violator Charlie Rangel (D-NY) renewed his call to reinstate the national draft, just ahead of votes on war with Syria. The New York representative argued that a vote should be held on mandatory military service before a decision is made to attack Syria.

“I truly believe we should have a National Draft Act before the Congress acts,” Rangel told MSNBC.  

Rangel, a veteran of the Korean War, has been introducing legislation for years to do this, and this year he even included women.

The Hill reports:

The New York lawmaker said the burden of war unfairly falls on lower-income Americans.

“They are not in the Hamptons. They are not in the wealthy neighborhoods,” he said.

Rangel, a former chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and the third-longest-serving member of Congress, has made it clear he will vote “no” on a forthcoming resolution seeking congressional approval for limited strikes on Syria.

Although Rangel said he is satisfied that Syrian President Bashar Assad is responsible for poison gas attacks on his own people last month, he argued it is not the U.S.’s responsibility to respond on behalf of the world.

“There is no mandate that the United States of America has to get rid of every evil person,” Rangel said.

“If it’s an international problem it should be an international solution.”

Rangel said he would not attend a Sunday afternoon “members-only” briefing for lawmakers on Capitol Hill about the proposed Syrian military strike because he could not justify the use of force to his constituents.

“If I have the slightest idea how this gross violation of international law affects citizens of the United States of America, my ears are open to see the connection,” he said.

Wait, is Mr. Ethics Violator is to be believed when he talks about violations of the law? Sorry, the man cannot be seriously considered on this matter.

Let me put my two cents in since I’ve been thinking about the draft. The draft should never have been instituted in the first place. Free people are free to volunteer for military service. To be forced into military service is not freedom, it’s slavery (Deuteronomy 20).

Second, to be considering putting women in combat and also drafting them demonstrates just how far we have fallen in the United States. There was a time when women and children were cherished, and men stood to protect them, not the other way around. That’s not a sexist statement; it’s just how things were. Some of us still believe that. The Bible teaches us that women are not to serve in battle, not to be drafted and not to enlist (Number 1:1-3, 20). It isn’t because they can’t do certain things, but because of the role God designed them to fulfill, which He has equipped them for (and for the feminists who may read this, remember that women’s roles are just as essential as men’s, so I’m not downplaying women here).

Third, to get engaged in a war that has absolutely nothing to do with us, allows us to be the aggressors, and in the end is actually about helping Islamic jihadists and appears to be a move to provide an expansion of money, oil and gas in the region, is immoral and wrong. I don’t know about you, but my children’s lives and yours are worth far more than that.

Fourth, there is no doubt in my mind that if the United States goes to war with Syria (and that is what it is, war), then we will be the ones starting the next World War. Even now, China and Russia are bringing their ships into the area and arming the Syrians to protect them against US forces. If that happens, everyone knows our government will think nothing of taking those in the prime of their lives and casting them to their deaths to achieve their own agendas, not in the fight for liberty and freedom.

Fifth, sending the US military to attack Syria is not about freedom. It isn’t about national security. It isn’t about our interests. It’s about a power grab and money.

Sixth, getting back to the draft. You can call me what you like, but I think parents of young men and women should be standing up and telling the administration that if they go to war and want to draft our sons and daughters for it, they’ll have to fight us to do it. I say that Mr. Obama should pick up a weapon and march his scrawny backside over to Syria, and be the first “boots on the ground” if he thinks it’s such a big deal. I will not send my children to fight in such a war.

Seventh, we are already murdering untold millions in the womb every year. We aren’t even replacing the people in this country we are losing, and Representative Rangel is all for drafting more of our children and leading them onto foreign fields of battle, which will further demoralize us as a nation.

Finally, Mediaite has this little blurb from Rangel on the draft:

In an appearance on MSNBC alongside New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) told anchor Chris Jansing on Wednesday that he supports President Barack Obama’s call for military action in Syria. However, he said that he does not support unilateral military action or action that is not sanctioned by Congress. Rangel added that Congress would not exhibit an “overwhelming sense of patriotism” in support for military action if there was a compulsory draft in place.  “For all of these excursions and intrusions militarily, if members of Congress thought for one minute that they were talking about drafting their kids and their grandkids, you would not see this overwhelming sense of patriotism that you’re seeing,” Rangel insisted. “There must be other kids besides American kids that understand that this is an international travesty,” he continued. “We should provide the leadership, but to go it alone – I don’t understand it.”

Rangel’s point is duly noted. However, we know from the past that those in government have been able to manipulate things so that their children weren’t drafted or somehow skirted any dangerous involvement in war. Frankly, Rangel’s words here are merely a trap for imposing the draft, not stopping a war.

For more on the subject, I suggest Russel S. Walton’s short piece.

By the way, if you want to contact your representatives, including Mr. Rangel, click here and tell them you don’t want a draft and you don’t want US military involvement in Syria. According to National Review, “The phones are ringing off the hook in Congress — and virtually no one is calling in to support military intervention in Syria.”

14 thoughts on “Democrat Charlie Rangel Calls for National Draft Ahead of War Vote on Syria

  1. Wow. I seem to have remembered a comment that #1 NWO Hatr and I made the other day on an article about Britain changing their law for mandatory military service. It stated that we were surprised Obama didn’t initialize the draft yet. And here we are just a few days later and this idiot decides to throw it in. Damn, you can read these bastards like a book sometimes. See the comment section for yourself right here.

    New National Service Law in UK Would Force Young Adults Into The Military

    1. Maybe he read your comments NC.

      Dang! They didn’t get my daughter with the draft, but in 3 years they will grab my granddaughter if this passes. 🙁

      . . .

  2. he is another example of a person coming into elected high office,bringing near zero, anything meaningful to contribute to his electoral, staying in office way too long and then………coming up with this stuff the american people fought so hard to throw out, still don’t want now….
    There is a nursing home for him someplace too!

  3. So what Charlie and his cronies are planning is a complete demographic change In America. While American kids are being sent off to die in a manufactured war (not exactly decided where yet, but they’re working on it), “undocumented” aliens won’t have to go because they’re, well, undocumented, and aliens. Ineligible for the draft.

    And while kids from the working middle class are sent to the slaughter, amnesty will be given to the illegal population because we need workers, etc., as all our kids are “over there”.

    So in one generation as a pause in white birth rates happens, free healthcare, welfare, and other state handouts will create a boom in minority birth rates, coupled with the boom in democrat voters created via amnesty, the core GOP voting block, white working class Americans, will be destroyed.

    Mr. Rangel, famous for quotes such as “tea partiers are the same as white crackers”, and “southern states have cultures we have to overcome”, has repeatedly and vocally shown his distain for middle class America. Now he is pushing a plan to eliminate it

    1. You raise an interesting point about the illegals taking over the jobs while Americans be forced to go off to war. That’s scary, but of course, that’s exactly what Barry would do.

      1. look at his color
        and Barry’s color
        Perhaps Old Abe had the wrong idea…
        No not exactly….
        I don’t want that old style of living on anyone…
        But it sure says for us middle-ers and primarily whites to be heads up….for our own skins….
        saying this over and over gets old for me….
        i was drafted in 1968….us army….sent to Nam 69
        Personally. I doubt the military draft will be back….
        baring a strike upon our own shores……
        Its not likely a massive false flag of self nuc-ing can pull itself off…oh, it can happen….
        But convincingly? Course I can be wrong ,with the US senate, house, supreme court and WH,,,,all so corrupt…I could be wrong…..and there so far, is no help from major news organizations…..I do get the feeling one or some of them may begin the breaking of the dam, so to speak….
        no one really knows ……….how far evil may spear itself into the night….So! we, all of us, are left pondering…..

    2. From the Selective Service website:


      Selective Service does not collect any information which would indicate whether or not you are undocumented. You want to protect yourself for future U.S. citizenship and other government benefits and programs by registering with Selective Service. Do it today.

      If you are a man ages 18 through 25 and living in the U.S., then you must register with Selective Service. It’s the law. According to law, a man must register with Selective Service within 30 days of his 18th birthday.

      — Not that they’ll obey that law either.

      1. They’re not draft dodgers, they’re “undocumented soldiers.”

        EDIT: I just realized that they won’t be undocumented soldiers. These are the future DHS/TSA soldiers in the Obama private army.

    3. And whatever the monetary costs they will be met by whatever assets your kids have secured overseas which the political class will steal.

  4. Charlie Sh!tferbrains has been calling for the draft for years now. At this point he just might get it if his constituents don’t hang his azz from a lamp post.

    You just got to laugh your azz off at his title of being a “ethics violator” & he’s still blowing the Zioturd horn.

  5. Rangel has been putting this crap out for many years…it comes and it goes. I think he started doing this about 5-6 years ago, maybe longer…its the same with legislation that reaches the house. about 1 out of 99 actually gets taken seriously.
    A draft will never pass, its simply the only way rangel knows how to get his name in the spotlight.

    1. I hope you are right…my son, just turned 25, is getting married next week, and my daughter, turning 21 in a few months, is in her junior year of college, planning to teach English overseas…and if Randal actually thinks anyone believes his agenda is to get children of the elites off to war, then he’s dumber than I thought. Remember the kids of the rich paying for “substitutes” during the Civil War? Both sides, not just the Confederates.

    2. I don’t think legislation for a draft will pass, either, since the military learned a few lessons from Nam, where draftees found that to live through war they had to be resourceful and subordinate to mutinous, and when that failed, then to permanently take care of the most local problem, which was probably an arrogant little West Point or officer school graduate whose personal priorities were how to make the next pay grade by using the fodder under their command. I think it’s much more likely that the military will give additional incentives to recruiters in the hoods to sign up as many as possible, by hook or by crook.

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