Detroit pastor shoots, kills hammer-wielding church intruder

Fox News

A pistol-packing pastor shot and killed a man who was allegedly trying to attack him with a brick on Sunday in the vestibule of a Detroit church, police said.

Cops say Deante Smith, 25, attacked the unidentified pastor and threatened several parishioners of The City of God church with a brick and hammer, FOX2 reported. Police said the attack was not random; the pastor and Smith knew each other and the two have had problems in the past.  

FOX21019.jpgAssistant Detroit Police Chief Steve Dolunt said a previous police report had been filed against Smith, The Detroit Free Press reported.

“The pastor had had issues with the man before,” Dolunt told the Detroit News. “He had been threatening to do him bodily harm. He walked into the service and went after the pastor with a brick. The pastor pulled out his Glock and fired several shots. I think he hit him four or five times, and the man died.”

Sunday’s incident occurred just before 2 p.m. as church was ending, Detroit Police Sgt. Cassandra Lewis told WWJ.

“We’re not sure at this point whether the man had mental problems or what,” Dolunt said. “It’s still under investigation.”

No one else was hurt during the episode, according to FOX2. The pastor has been questioned by police.

City of God is a non-denominational church, according to its Facebook page.

“The reality is, things can happen anywhere now,” City Councilman Andre Spivey told the Detroit News. “[Church] is a haven of rest and safety…when you cannot be safe in God’s place of worship, where can you be safe?”

3 thoughts on “Detroit pastor shoots, kills hammer-wielding church intruder

  1. Usually in this type of situation the pastor was screwing.. his mom , his wife, his sister, sons and or daughters, maybe even his homeless dog on the corner or even him etc…!
    Thanks fox… now we have to pass a background check for bricks and hammers at home depot.
    Better get those nail guns before there’s an FFL fee.
    Keep the hits coming… you set, em up… I’ll knock’em down.

  2. where can you be safe?”

    no where, and especially no where if Hildebeast and any of the other liberal hopolophobes have any say in it..

    one reasoning rings true.. if someone wants you unarmed , its because they want you to be a victim ..maybe even their victim

    only your enemies want you unarmed

  3. “We’re not sure at this point whether the man had mental problems or what,”

    Sounds like a perfectly normal psychopath to me.

    Saw a different article that said the pastor was still in custody.


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