Dictator In Chief: Trump Signs Executive Orders And “Memorandas” Establishing “Law”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: trump has now signed ten executive orders which are increasingly becoming the new “law of the land”. When obama did it, everyone was up in arms, when trump does it, it is okay. Where is the outrage here people? You are reeds shaking in the wind, blowing whichever way the wind blows.

Executive Orders are not legal, they are not law, we have a process for that in this nation and none of our elected officials seem to get it and apparently neither do the people as no one is saying anything about it. This is not about the left or the right, republican or democrat, progressive or conservative. Stop being divided by your enemy already and look at what is being presented to you. “Memoranda.” A memo is a short note, nothing that has any iron clad power to change law. Yet, many Americans are embracing it.

When elected officials sign a piece of paper and that is considered to be a new law, that is called a Dictatorship plain and simple. This is ruling by decree just how kings of old did. There is no difference here. The entire political process is being ignored.

Trump signed presidential memoranda, not executive orders: Here’s the difference
President Trump signed three high-level presidential directives on Monday, but they weren’t executive orders.

Instead, they were styled as presidential memoranda,  an increasingly common but lesser known expression of presidential power that came to replace many executive orders under President Obama.

Presidential memoranda are “executive orders by another name, and yet unique,” wrote presidential scholar Phillip Cooper on his book By Order of the President: The Use and Abuse of Executive Direct Action.

Source: Trump signed presidential memoranda, not executive orders: Here’s the difference | From the Trenches World Report

World Events and the Bible

19 thoughts on “Dictator In Chief: Trump Signs Executive Orders And “Memorandas” Establishing “Law”

  1. The people of this country were free for a few years after the war of independence. Then America became an ever increasing Constitutional dictator ship.for about 230 years. As of January 21st 2017, this country is now under a dictator.

  2. I welcome “the dictator”.
    We have a Republican and Democrat House and Senate now who will review what Trump has done and approve or crush it. If it is not constitutional, then the courts will squish it. I am not worried. You forget that the Supreme Court is now dominated by Democrat liberals. So, until Trump figures out a way to change the court folks are okay. We still have checks and balances in place.

    1. You are a fool, Sean. We are under War Powers. The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and common law are suspended. We are under a military dictatorship with zero checks and balances. That is a fact.

      1. Henry-
        I like you as a person and appreciate your passion as a patriot, but your ANGER displayed on your show has made me go elsewhere to listen.
        Your comments display the same.

      1. Wow. I don’t know what to say, either. I agree with #1. Are you still that stupid? Why do people keep falling for the same shit over and over? Why do they keep looking for that false hero who is nothing but controlled opposition? Why do they keep becoming so easily deceived? So they don’t have to fight anymore and can feel that they have someone else do the fighting for them which is how we got into this mess in the first place?

        People need to read a history book and wake the F**k up.

  3. all i can say is what would you expect him to do, leave all obamas crap in there? i don’t like it either, but i feel like we were pushed into today due to the past. So for me, i am just glad he is signing them, and hopefully he can build a wall or figure out immigration, he is blocking them now. Most important to me is ALL the muslims are GONE from important Cabinet positions. We have to wait and see.

    1. You sound like a German defending Hitler. That wall is to keep you in along with the tens of millions brought here to kill you. Just wait and see.

      1. And you Henry, sound like pessimistic has been…. Any American who is awake KNOWS that we are no longer under Common Law. Who would YOU rather have in the oval office signing these “orders”? Hillary Clinton or President Trump? I truly believe that Trump cares for this nation and will keep going in the right direction. There are soooo many wrongs that need to be righted and taking back our country will not be done over night. One fire at a time. Give him a chance.

          1. Dammit, Henry, you weren’t there when I started typing that comment. 🙄

            Hard to beat you to the punch these days!

        1. “I truly believe that Trump cares for this nation and will keep going in the right direction.”

          Then you are THOROUGHLY BRAINWASHED!

          IF you TRULY believe that Chump isn’t CONTROLLED by the same stinking jews as every other (BOGUS) ‘president’ since JFK, then you’re an UNMITIGATED MORON AS WELL!!!

          Go back to your ‘regularly scheduled programming’, bozo, cuz Chump AIN’T GONNA SAVE YOUR STUPID @SS!!!!!

        2. Why are people being so F**KING STUPID after all of this time and everything that they have learned?

          After they know how Trump is and how he is for the ZIONIST JEWS who have created this mess, they still support him? WTF? I don’t get it.

  4. This country has become a slave state to the whore of Babylon, the Vatican and its serf state, Israel. Until Israel is destroyed and the Vatican also, we have no freedoms.

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