Did Creepy Smokey the Bear PSAs Brainwash You to Accept Agenda 21?

Published on Nov 17, 2014 by TRUTHstreammedia

We understand you might have fond memories of Smokey the Bear (or, alternately be horrified by a giant bear costume holding a big shovel that orders “ONLY YOU…can prevent forest fires”), but that big bear was the icon of a much bigger agenda.

While many now recognize the encroachment on sovereignty through Agenda 21, and its aims to control and penalize human behavior (especially when it comes to limiting humanity’s use of nature), few have connected it with the peaceful, splendorous and unassuming U.S. National Parks and Forests.

But a critical look at the themes behind Smokey the Bear (and countless other forms of propaganda) reveal a consistent theme, warning humans to be “hands off” with the land.

A lot of the Smokey ads we found from the 1970s paint man as “the most terrifying sound in the forest,” label “anyone who handles fire in any form” as a potential killer (Jungle Book, anyone?), and further blames families for living too near to the forests.

In one ad, the camera zooms in on a little paper doll of a child on fire and zooms out to show the rest of his little paper family burnt or engulfed in flames while an ominous piano plays in the background.

I know, it is all just fun and games, and Smokey the Bear is just a cute animated spokesperson for a no-brainer good cause…right?

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