Michigan Tax Assessor Attempts Interior Home Inspections

Published on Oct 7, 2013 by MackinacCenter

“Knock Knock.”
“Who’s there?”
“Your local tax assessor. I want to come inside your home to see if we’re taxing you enough.”

It’s no joke. A tax assessor in Davison Township said she needed to go inside homes to do her job. She was emboldened by the Michigan Tax Commission which is encouraging such inspections but the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation says the practice violates the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment on search and seizure.

3 thoughts on “Michigan Tax Assessor Attempts Interior Home Inspections

  1. Violation of Constitution and Bill of Rights to be secure in your home and papers. These are nothing but Communists who thik they can violate any law . if it happens call the Police and file TRESSPASSING.

    1. hahaha good one oh wait thought you were kidding they are there to enforce the crowns policy the assessor is there to inventory the crowns property hows that gonna work out
      the accessors up this way have been going to the county lords oops commissioners and asking for for sherry iff and dupities to go with them to do the crowns duty and asses all of the crowns property because it is getting to dangerous to do it alone hehe guess i am not the only one 15 years ago that dragged one out to the road and said dont come back you own nothing here and next time its by the feet

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