“Died Suddenly” update: Stew Peters lost all credibility for including footage from a heart surgery that happened in 2019

The Covid Blog

We always try and maintain neutrality when evaluating content from creators trying to expose the vaccine genocide. Our original review gave the Stew Peters documentary “Died Suddenly” 6.7 out of 10 stars. But we updated that to 5.7 out of 10 stars because Peters completely excluded Dr. Jane Ruby from the documentary. She’s the one who first broke the story of the plastic/rubber clots. But the fallout is getting worse.

The 52-minute mark of “Died Suddenly” features a doctor pulling, what Peters implies, is a post-injection blood clot from a beating heart. But that clip is from an April 1, 2019 video produced by Florida heart surgeon, Dr. Erik Beyer. Obviously that is long before the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections were available to the public.

We created a side-by-side video of the infringing clip, with Dr. Beyer’s footage on the left and Peters’ plagiarized propaganda on the right.

That’s not all. Twitter allowed Peters to create a “Died Suddenly” profile on October 6, 2022. It has 145,000 followers after just seven weeks. Here is the first tweet from the account.

Twitter does not allow truth about the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. We wrote two weeks ago how the new Elon Musk-owned Twitter will not reinstate The COVID Blog™ even after announcing its so-called “general amnesty” policy. The platform is also, allegedly, no longer enforcing its “COVID-19 misinformation policy” as of November 23. Thus it appears that government and big pharma agent-type content related to the injections is allowed, but not real truth.

The only logical explanation for all this is that Peters, Steve Kirsch, and company deliberately released this sensationalized production for the sole purposes of interference, deflection and discrediting truth about this entire COVID-19 charade. They also must be working with government and mainstream media propaganda agents. The Bigfoot and Keyontae Johnson stuff was bad enough. But this “documentary” has an agenda, and it certainly has nothing to do with truth.

We have removed the link to the “Died Suddenly” movie from our previous review. This production is an insult to critical thinkers and to everyone who’s been tirelessly working to expose the truth about the injections. H/T to Lyn for pointing us to the plagiarized propaganda.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

The Covid Blog

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