What is the Difference Between a Fascist and an Anti-Fascist with Larken Rose

Published on Mar 12, 2017 by TheAnarchast

Anarchast Ep.347

Jeff interviews Larken Rose, topics include: defining alt right and antifa, both totalitarian, the current use of the term ‘nazi’, power cannot be used for freedom, state indoctrination, a criticism of Stefan Moleneux, open or closed borders, some perspective on the Muslim ‘threat’, the US troops are the real terrorists, the immorality of statist ‘libertarians’, ‘anarchists’ for Trump, Trump is pro military and police state, Larken’s seminars on debating with statists, bypassing statist indoctrination, ‘Candles in the Dark’, logic and evidence do not work, statism basically a cult, The Mirror to be more effective than any conversation, exponential growth of freedom, the end of the ruling class, Larken’s report on Anarchapulco and on becoming a Jeanjacketarian!

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