Donald Trump Full Speech at AIPAC Policy Conference (3-21-16)

Streamed live 13 hours ago by Right Side Broadcasting

Monday, March 21, 2016: GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke at the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, DC and gave a rousing speech

Donald Trump Full Speech at AIPAC Policy Conference (3-21-16)

4 thoughts on “Donald Trump Full Speech at AIPAC Policy Conference (3-21-16)

  1. Any of you f….s that support Trump better think again. The US is toast and this election will not change a thing. Just looking at Hillary makes me sick and after watching this vid I can say the same thing about Trump. As Henry says “lock ‘n load”.

    1. I agree. Trump, after listening to this speech, is running for pres. for Israel.
      I got the sense that he is dangerous, and people don’t realize what he is capable of.

  2. He’s a jewish puppet like all the rest of them…AND…he is all for torture. Better think about that, they set all these laws up just like little ducks in a row, then…they can use them on ANYBODY!!!!! They give you a “bad guy” now so that YOU are all for torture, but someday…YOU will be “their” bad guy. And guess what!?!?! YOU already approved of the torture laws, so it doesn’t really matter that “they” decide to use them against YOU!!!!

  3. I haven’t even listened to one Trump speech, and I’m already sick of him. I think I was sick of him, and this whole dog-and-pony show several elections ago.

    There’s not much that any one person can do but sit and wait for the morons to pull their heads from their asses (or help them to do so), but as long as they hold onto the misguided hope of an election, or a candidate fixing everything for them, they’ll flock to any lying sack-o-shite that tells them what they want to hear.

    They’re just waiting to be led around by their noses, and that mentality will have every one of them led off to a mass grave.

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