Donald Trump: Shut down internet, Free speech foolish.

Published on Dec 8, 2015 by CopBlock Hernando

Donald Trump has called for the internet to be turned off so that children can no longer use it.

The presidential hopeful said that “We’ve got to maybe do something with the internet,” because it was being used to radicalise people. He said that he would “see Bill Gates” so that he could look into “closing it up”.

Speaking at the same event where he called for a “complete shutdown” on Muslims entering the US, Mr Trump laid out a rough plan for stopping the influence of Isis.

Children in America are “watching the internet and they want to be masterminds”, Trump said in a speech.

“We’re losing a lot of people because of the internet,” Trump said. “We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what’s happening.

“We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that internet up in some ways. Somebody will say, ‘Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.’ These are foolish people.”

7 thoughts on “Donald Trump: Shut down internet, Free speech foolish.

  1. I’ve seen many articles concerned about HC shutting it down, now I wonder why people are not concerned about Trump saying this.

    I’d never heard this until this clip was posted, unbelievable.

    He is using the terrorist, radicalization method just like all the other criminals.

  2. They are all NWO pimps. Trump wants to shut down the Internet as does HC. Take away the guns. Obozo says God given rights are a radical idea, and we need to give up Liberty for security. They’re trying to rush in the globalist dream before he leaves office, if he ever does. It’s all coming to a head.

  3. Who cares what any of these shitbags say? I mean seriously…everything that comes out of their mouths is a temporary condition. People will progress regardless of tyrannical acts. Applying “laws” to anything is only a roadblock for those too dumb to realize we are all already criminals. When everything is a law, there are no laws, except the law of the jungle. Just do whatever the f#@k you want. Anyone have any idea how many murders go unsolved? Anyone have any idea what your neighbors are really doing? Laws are an annoyance at best. If the US gov shuts down their network…another outside their control will spring up tomorrow. Laws prevent not one damned illegal act, they only push the product to the black market, cause the act to be hidden from public view, make the product more lucrative..because now the risk to deliver is higher. There are no laws in this nation and the government has their hands in both markets….the seen market and the black market. Control and flow of commodities is the power that rules the world. Those who control production and those who control flow…they are our masters. Bring these two industries to their knees or otherwise eviscerate their potency by creating a third market and bringing in the bigger share and you will rule the world. If I had my way I would send us back to the stone ages where we had fewer rulers and less man made illness. You want freedom? Walk away, leave it all behind. As someone once said , the Bible claimed it was Jesus..give unto Caesar what us Cesar’s. Give them their damned fiat currency, their taxes, their working stooge that they bread in their public indoctrination centers, their high frequency power lines, positive ion infested, cancer causing environments, their tainted water supplies, their tainted food lined on the shelves of your local feeding troph…walk away. Who the f#@k needs it? When they have no one playing their game they will be the king of what??? King of who gives a f#@k is what.

    1. Now this is a cool comment! As for your comment about what Christ said regarding rendering unto Caesar, you hit the nail on the head! (Now all we have to do is render unto God the things that are God’s!)

      1. Atlas Shrugged…notice how many peppers there many are already out of work? Our popular culture is glorifying self sufficiency…we are walking away. Next supply lines will be hit at increasing levels…you think all of the network backbones being cut, the oil and gas lines being hit are all neglect? A phoenix is rising. The whole world is being backed into a corner..the only question is…by who and for what purpose? The who cannot possibly believe they can subjugate a planet. Ever step on an ant hill? Did you get them all? Of course not. So, why…and when you have all of the chips….when .you own the world…then what? The why is maddening and it doesn’t really matter. The laws of nature dictate that any extreme will eventually come back to center. The drive for a one world government is creating it’s own inverse, the secessionists. When the strain reaches its apex, it will snap and the whole Shit house will come down. So, all of the noise, the worry, the preparation for an event that will never play out as anyone expects…is all energy being wasted. We can just breathe, wait for a wave to come, stand aside…and watch it go by. Rinse and repeat. The earth will provide, what we hold onto becomes our prison.

  4. “We’re losing a lot of people because of the internet,” Trump said.”

    THAT statement is 100% true, but the irony will be lost on most of the sheeple.

    The ‘we’ he speaks of are the elite, NOT the proletariat.

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