Don’t Ever Forget How Close We All Are To Homelessness – Many Of Us Are Much Closer Than You Might Think

The tent cities are growing larger by the day, most are located right outside of many major cities, buried in the thick brush, inhabited by normal everyday human beings struck by bad luck, thrown out into the street by rising living cost.

I blame the 1031 real estate scam, where real estate speculators are allowed to work tax free as long as they re-invest all profits from sales back into more real estate, giving them a huge tax advantage and at the same time making bankers and lenders incredible power and profits.

This is how Trump and many others made their billions, buying huge hotels and apartment buildings on the cheap, and immediately flipping to reinvest all profits directly back into another property dodging any tax, and later drawing a huge salary from the corporation that controls everything. It’s called the 1031 real estate model, bankers make a killing because of the loans.

Inevitably, you and I suffer because the prices of the hotel rooms and living costs end up going through the roof. One of the biggest frauds perpetrated on the American National.

This is just one of the many frauds that end up screwing you and I out of a happy life, something our founding fathers saw coming down the pike, they saw the writing on the wall, “TAXES ARE FOR LITTLE PEOPLE”

See below how you and I are getting screwed

12 thoughts on “Don’t Ever Forget How Close We All Are To Homelessness – Many Of Us Are Much Closer Than You Might Think

  1. People are on the verge of homelessness because costs for groceries and other necessities are skyrocketing. My monthly grocery bill has nearly doubled within 2 months. The high costs are caused by a combination of deliberate sabotage of the food supply chain (for example, shutting down food processing plants because of one fake positive coronavirus test, not helping struggling farmers), and grocery corporation profiteering. Also, many people are months behind on their rent and mortgages due to job loss. Very soon there will be a tsunami of evictions and foreclosures. The first to end up on the streets will be the jobless, the disabled and seniors on fixed incomes, in other words the useless eaters. This is exactly what criminals like Gates want, for all of the useless eaters and inferiors to die, either by starvation, refusal of health care or deliberate administration of compulsory vaccines designed to euthanize them.

  2. In the land of the fee and home of the slave, where you can purchase a piece of land and build a home upon it, pay off both, yet you don’t own it, you merely rent from the government.

    1. You need to show the law that says you have to pay rent to a municipal, for-profit corporation for the right to own a home. Since there is no law nor any covenants or restrictions in the deed they have brainwashed everyone into believing that alleged “property taxes” are rent. Already a number of people have succeeded in removing their dwelling shelters from the tax rolls by suing the assessor. WAKE-UP! Read the tax code and Article 1 section 8 and see how it applies only to corporations and taxpayer corporations granted ‘privileges and immunities’ by the state. The People are exempt from any “granting of privileges’ because their Rights are UNALIENABLE. YOU CANNOT TAX A RIGHT, DAMN IT!!! Quite being a serf and slave. No one who owns a gun will ever lose their home. Either you are a man or a wimp.

      1. “Already a number of people have succeeded in removing their dwelling shelters from the tax rolls by suing the assessor. ”

        Okay, so who are these people? What happened when they were taken to our illegal Maritime Law Courts? Where can the documentation be viewed?


        I’ve been a part of the Trenches for eleven years. I am awake, so please shut the f*** up.”

        “Quite being a serf and slave. ”

        Until the Bill of Rights is once again enforced as the Supreme Law of this land, we all are living as serfs and slaves. Oh, and there is no “e” in quit.

        “Either you are a man or a wimp.”

        If you think I’m a wimp, feel free to stop by and I’ll gladly show you what a man is capable of. In the meantime, you can take your shitty, cocky attitude and shove it up your ass. Don’t come on this site trolling any of us, because you will find yourself swiftly dealt with.

    Additional not on link:
    “Civil government of the state could not tax the land, because the land is not the property of the state but of God, and no state has a right to levy taxes against God’s possessions. The support of civil government was through an increase tax, that is, a production tax…
    The property tax was resisted in many areas, especially in the South, where post–Civil War “Reconstruction” made it a weapon for destroying the old order.”
    Can you not see how they have destroyed the rightful place of American Nationals and instituted their ‘Order” for profiteering off the backs of the People???

    1. We must get together as one, fight as one, walk onto any reasonable piece government owned land, cut the trees, mill the trees build and homestead. These fkrs want to get it on, we fight to keep what rightfully ours. They cannot force us to be homeless. That land and timber is rightfully ours, fkem….and fk the goddamn masons, hand their heads to them.

      Go in 20,000 or more strong, armed to the teeth, fight to the death, its the only way.

      No more bullshit, you want war? We will bring hell upon you. TOO MANY GODDAMN HOMELESS!

      ENOUGH!! Everybody is equal, eat the billionaires!

      These fkrs go into other countries, build huge cities for their soldiers, give them every luxury on our dime, do the dirty deed, then just pack up and leave?

      We can do the same, right here on our own land. Henry talks about it all the time, there is no other way..

    2. The above link is useless to locate and research your claim. Your statement; “Already a number of people have succeeded in removing their dwelling shelters from the tax rolls by suing the assessor”.

      We here at the trenches don’t like Bullshit and BS or Pie in the sky concepts of; “with God the Government will bow to us crap”.

      Were you not able to provide links to where “these people” who have already successfully removed themselves and property from the tax rolls could be further researched? If not then your claim has no merit, your info source is lacking, please show us where you got the information about “these people”.

      People have been trying to fight this criminal gov using their courts forever and this criminal system has Zero intention of letting anyone do what you are saying many have done, I wish it is true, not buying it, remember Ed & Elaine Brown, they had the IRS Code and Law on their side too!

      When you state emphatically that “A number of people Have”, can you help the rest of us weak, poor souls to also find these people and what states, municipalities they have been successful in doing these things as claimed.

      I can study scripture all day long on my own time, either show some evidence of your claim or don’t make emphatic declarative statements about people you know nothing about or even if they exist.

      We would all love to find them and their story of how they beat the Maritime corporate Government by suing them in their own courts.

      We are under Hostile occupation, there is no law and this only ends when we ‘en-mass” end it, and it won’t be with prayer alone.

  4. I know what you’re talkin’ about, Mark. I feel the vulnerability everyday, and that’s with living pretty darn simply. It’s like a little monster always in the back of my mind… ‘a few paychecks away…” And I see the tent cities, and hear the accounts of good, working people who now find themselves destitute, and it drives home the fact that the cruel controllers hate us and want us gone. Rarely is it a case of hard luck, but a contrived and sleek scheme to communize us, at least those of us they don’t kill. I see that UBI lurking, communism’s deadliest lure, a dangling carrot of dangling carrots. Few can turn away from a bit of needed cash. And how can we remind the entitled of how good it feels to earn our own way, to use our own ideas and our own strength, to provide for ourselves and our families, and dare I say, to prosper. I can’t wait ’till we’ve removed the ugly cancer of zio-communism. All planned and calculated. How could they think we do not see? How could they not know what they will face? Thanks for shining a light here, Mark. Makes me wanna fight harder.


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