Dozens Killed in Attack on Political Rally in Pakistan

Published on May 7, 2013 by NTDTV

Dozens die as suicide bomber targets religious election rally in Pakistan.

Full Story:

Bloodshed in Pakistan as dozens die after a suicide bomber blows himself up at a right wing religious party rally.

At least 25 people were killed and 65 wounded in the blast.

The Taliban is claiming responsibility for the attack

[Jui Worker, Mohammad Shaheen]:
“We were holding a rally for Islam and for the greater glory religion. We condemn the attack on this rally whether a suicide bomber or a timed blast. We are against blasts in markets, in mosques, and in such rallies. We are totally against this and we condemn it”

Since April, the Pakistani Taliban have killed more than 90 people in election-related violence.

Until now the Taliban had targeted secular parties in its bid to undermine the May 11th election, which it regards as un-Islamic.

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