Dr.Stuart Crane – Proofs of Conspiracy

The Internationale

May 5, 2019

In 1971 Dr. Stuart Crane did a presentation entitled “Proofs of Conspiracy,” in which he reported, “The British Fabian Group in England formed a group to bring about global Marxist-Communism.”

Here is the four step plan he outlined:

1) Rich nations will not want to willfully merge with poor nations because the poor nations will sap the rich nations strength.
2) Because of this, you cannot expect developed nations to go directly into socialism.
3) In order to have a true world government, all nations must be merged together.
4) Because developed nations will not willfully merge with undeveloped nations and it is impossible for socialism to develop undeveloped nations, “DEVELOPED NATIONS MUST BE UNDEVELOPED.”

16 thoughts on “Dr.Stuart Crane – Proofs of Conspiracy

  1. Geez Hal, I don’t know if I’ll get to all five and a half hours of this, but this little YouTube description is jaw-dropping. I just had to post it:

    Here is the four step plan he outlined:

    1) Rich nations will not want to willfully merge with poor nations because the poor nations will sap the rich nations strength.

    2) Because of this, you cannot expect developed nations to go directly into socialism.

    3) In order to have a true world government, all nations must be merged together.

    4) Because developed nations will not willfully merge with undeveloped nations and it is impossible for socialism to develop undeveloped nations, “DEVELOPED NATIONS MUST BE UNDEVELOPED.”

    Wow!! And from almost 50 years ago.


  2. That’s a marathon.

    The longest movie I even have is the extended version of ‘The Return ot the King’ at about 4 hoiurs.

  3. Only listened to first hour and wow is this loaded with wisdom. Moves so fast – not even sure I can agree with every single thing. But so much is insightful and brilliant, and ahead of its time. Considering its age, I doubt there will be any naming of Jewish power, although he does site Marx. Still, his comments on Marx, education, and anarchy are amazing. I am saving a few pearls. Here are two:

    “The result of successful anarchy is ALWAYS a police state.”

    “I will now give the United State’s definition for ‘democracy’ until it was changed in the early thirties — ‘Democracy, the worst form of government possible, always leading to autocracy, tyranny and slavery.’ … Tyranny is a synonym for democracy. … Democracy is the lynch mob in operation.”

    A good thing I can wear my headphones while doing housework and laundry.



      1. This is the only report I listen to on RBN. It’s also the only place Rick Adams talks. No offense intended to any one.

        1. Well I finished it, Hal. Over the years I’ve watched Biblical scholars debate about which is the real authentic scripture. There was so much tampering and editing going on over the centuries. For myself I just extract that which moves life forward and helps my own life. Kind of a mixture of love, truth, and standing up to corruption. But I can see why Stuart Crane wants to inform on how all that mess got concentrated into soulless 501c3’s and Roman Catholicism from a stew of Judaic teachings and the philosophies of ancient cultures and Masonic lodges. Hodgepodge from Hell. And so much led to so much slaughter throughout history. All their pomp and circumstance, all for us, and topped off with their ongoing grand control and cruel brainwashing promising ETERNAL DAMNATION if we mess up. I love Christ but hate what happened to his message. Well, the broadcast said it all more clearly than I can. I’m left with that old recommendation: take what works.

          Thinking about how I use my time: Chores, practicing aim, study, rest, play, more chores. Seems “practicing aim” is not given enough time. Don’t tell Henry. 🙂 But I’m working on it. And miles away is the only place I can practice — with hunters!! And (believe it or not…) I’d be required to get a hunting license. Not easy for this vegetarian. 🙂 Check this out for how I practice; pathetic, but better than nothing:



          1. ps: But seriously, the communistic gov is making it harder and harder to practice – very few places provided, indoor or outdoor. I wonder if anyone else is dealing with this.



          2. Any kind of practice is better than no practice at all.
            You can purchase air-soft pistols and rifles made to simulate your real weapon in weight and size. If you have a basement you can buy yourself a couple of bags of plastic army men and hone your skills.
            Spike had one set up in his basement.
            I had a few of the air-soft guns and I would just sit here in my chair having set the army men up all over my living room. Do wear safety glasses by all means.
            It is aiming and shooting and the plastic BBs don’t hurt your vacuum cleaner. Of course we picked up as many as we could find.
            We are now shooting 22s as the ammunition, though not cheap, can be had. Mary sent us some really cool self healing targets.
            The little gadget you showed on your other comment is really not a bad idea. It is fast hand eye coordination. That on top of knowing every inch of your home, every weakness and every advantage, well if everybody does the best they can they are not going to like what they run into when they come to play the real game. So keep it up.

          3. Thank you, Henry. These are excellent pointers (pun intended) that I certainly can put into practice.



      2. Geez, Hal, you gave me homework (grin). Well thank you. I never heard of Rick Adams, so…

        Anyhow I’ve finished part 1 with Dr. Crane. I do not know the whole of his work, but here he goes the distance on Talmud and the closed club that we’re not in (grin, again). A very brave man to state those things so clearly, and so early on. I try to stay out of religion, and I want to be brave, yet I always am thinking up ways to not martyr myself. Well, moment to moment we go where we gotta go.

        I will try to get to part 2 tomorrow. Again, thank you. All this studying and talkin’, sometimes I ask myself if we’re makin’ a difference. I believe we are.


  4. Saw a documentary that was over 8 hours about the Kennedy Assassination with an episode of MLK’s as well since both assassinations had similar elements involved. I’d have to watch some, then pause, then watch the rest later.

  5. Hour Two: We can pick at little missteps here considering it’s from 1971, but they are few and easy to forgive and are so outweighed by the truths he dispenses and I might say, with a lot of humor. This gets better as it goes. On Gov:

    “Violence is what they’re after, not solutions. They’re not out to solve any problems; they’re out to create problems so that you will have to demand dictators who solve the chaoses created by the problems they have promoted.”

    “There’s never been a democracy that hasn’t ended up in a police state. And unless a democracy is eliminated by its reversal it will end up in a total dictatorial police state… … Plato told you this 3,000 years ago… … The police state is the only solution to the problem: Martial Law of the bayonet. You cannot solve problems by democracy but by its absence.”

    He says many things that remind me of what Henry says. I hope I have the wherewithal to continue listening. Hal, what have you done? I can’t find Sunday. 🙂 🙂 🙂


  6. Hour Three: Ahhh, I have now learned him to be a member of the John Birch Society. Could it be its roots were clean? I do not know. Anyhow, again loaded with pearls, too many to note, but…

    Finally hits on Rothschilds, central banks. Undresses U.N., calling it the world gestapo – Peace is control. Says its main purpose is to control world markets. Cha-ching.

    Praises individual rights above all else. Says that if every individual’s life, liberty, and property is protected, we don’t have to worry about society; we’d already have the best possible society.

    Is about to open the door on Lincoln. Will see where that goes. Is this man still alive? I will have to research him.

    Trudging on.



  7. Two hours to go. Uh-oh. Says Lincoln knew “the breakup of The Union would be the destruction of the liberty of the American people” and put them under the control of the same forces that were controlling Europe.

    Pro-Lincoln No mention of Martial Law or of who funded The Union. Says he’s fully for the overthrow of the current system but believed in The Union.

    Too much history. Too much personal ignorance, mine. Hard to break it all down. How could some people say so many things that are so right and then say things that are so wrong? History’s lies need to be corrected.

    Can’t say if I’ll finish. He lost his way. So did I. Yet, I may take it back up tomorrow. Too much invested. Masochist, I guess.


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