Duggars Helped Repeal Law Banning LGBT Discrimination

Duggars Helped Repeal Law Banning LGBT DiscriminationYahoo News

They got their wish. The Duggar family helped get an anti-LGBT bill get passed in their hometown Fayetteville, Arkansas on Tuesday, Dec. 9. The new bill helped overturn a measure that would have prevented landlords and business owners to evict or fire people based on their gender identity. During the campaign, the Duggars also donated $10,000 to three opponents of the Ordinance 119.

Back in August, Change.org created a petition to cancel 19 Kids and Counting after Michelle Duggar allegedly asked voters to repeal the law in a recorded robocall. (The matriarch also upset members of the LGBTQ community when she and husband Jim Bob deleted photos of same-sex couples from an impromptu Facebook challenge.)  

“Just because someone is transgendered doesn’t mean they are a child predator or a rapist,” Jim Wissick, who started the petition, wrote. “Transgender people — who are far more likely to be the victims of harassment and violence if forced to use a bathroom that is inconsistent with their gender identity or expression — deserve to have the ability to use the bathroom in peace and safety.”

Despite the backlash, the couple stood their ground by posting a telling Bible verse on their Facebook page. It read: “We will always stand for truth and the values we hold dear without compromise, but we will do so in love and kindness — treating others well even if we don’t agree with them and we will do so without hateful words.” Fans also created a counter-petition to save the show, which has remained on air.


4 thoughts on “Duggars Helped Repeal Law Banning LGBT Discrimination

  1. Thank god for the Duggars. They show what a loving, strong and compassionate family can do when they stay together. There has been an evil force in this country for years that tries to break apart good family’s forcing people to be dependent on government. All the kids Mr. Duggar has and you don’t see him collecting food stamps or getting free Obama phones. Did you look closely at the quote from the transgender moron in this article? He says his people use the public bathrooms as a form of “expression”. Do you see what I mean? Not use the bathroom because his bladder is full….but to use the public bathroom as a form of “expression”. Do you see how these people always have to make a statement, and be “in your face” all the time? It’s sickening.

  2. While I agree with the cause they “seem” to promote,I believe this is merely a way for tv to generate a face to those who oppose all the extreme non-existent minority oppression of lgbqtfhedg or whatever the zio-controlled media wants us to refer to them as.

    White, suburban, upper-middle class, Sunday service are not the only people who refuse to be bullied by the queer alliance but this tv “programming” will certainly provide that facade.

    It will not shock me when suddenly there is a scandal in the family that discredits their morality in general or one of their spawn “comes out” and it’s because they MADE it that way. Having faith that a joo controlled collective of media is going to provide you with something truthful, unbiased or laden with principles is your first mistake. A rattlesnake is always a rattlesnake.

    1. “It will not shock me when suddenly there is a scandal in the family that discredits their morality in general or one of their spawn “comes out” and it’s because they MADE it that way.”

      They’re already dealing with the Devil, being involved in any way with Hollywood.

      I’d say that’s inevitable, whether by their own design, or otherwise.

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