Man dies from asthma attack after police stop

WWLP 22 – by Jackson Schmidtke, WQOW

Kressin’s girlfriend was rushing him to the hospital as he was suffering from a severe asthma attack, that’s when police pulled them over. Casey Kressin is having a severe asthma attack his girlfriend is pulled over for speeding while trying to get him to the hospital.

She begs the officer to take him there. The officer instead calls for an ambulance. In an interview with WQOW news 18 just days after this happened, Chippewa Falls Police Chief Wendy Stelter explained why, “Had the man still been in the vehicle, had the driver been in a condition where they could drive and drive safely, then very likely the officer could have escorted them to the hospital following traffic laws. But in this case everyone was out of the vehicle, the driver was upset and it’s going to be a safety concern to put her back in the driver’s seat.”

From the time Kressin’s girlfriend is pulled over to the time the ambulance doors are shut is nine minutes and 15 seconds. The spot where the vehicle is just under three miles from the hospital. Police say Kressin became unresponsive when the ambulance arrived. He was pronounced dead at Saint Joseph’s hospital.

Chippewa Falls chief Wendy Stelter says she stands behind the officers who responded, saying that Kressin’s girlfriend should not have been allowed to drive the rest of the way because she was hysterical.

Chief Stelter also says Kressin was not put in the squad car and driven to the hospital because they believe it would have been more exertion than Kressin could’ve handled.

2 thoughts on “Man dies from asthma attack after police stop

  1. To protect and serve? Rules must be obeyed irregardless of the consequences, right? What a insane world we are living in.

  2. ” But in this case everyone was out of the vehicle, the driver was upset and it’s going to be a safety concern to put her back in the driver’s seat.”

    But a dying man wasn’t a ‘safety concern’, apparently.

    F%&KING MORON!!!!!

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