Election 2016: Are we really going to let them get away with this?

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The PPJ Gazette – by Marti Oakley

The view from a political atheist

To all of you whiners and criers out there who whimper or scream hysterically that if I don’t vote I have no right to complain……..the hell if I don’t. I have watched this cycle every four years devolve into some kind of sick comedy act, and this election has got to be the final insult to the American voters.  

On the so-called “right” we have Trump. A misogynistic blowhard that has supposedly built a fortune by gaming the system, filing multiple bankruptcies on his businesses and walked away with the goods and left many holding the bag.

On the so-called “left” we have Clinton. A murderous, treacherous, deceitful, career politician whose history in government is littered with one sordid episode after another.

330 Million people estimated to be in the US and this is all we can come up with for presidential candidates? Really?

We seriously need a vote of [no confidence] on our ballots. I refuse to be backed into another corner and being forced to choose between two clearly unqualified, unworthy, unreliable, dishonest, lying, cheating, conniving, deceitful, manipulative, Trilateral, Council on Foreign Relations, central banking flunkies, as my only options for president. We don’t elect presidents anyway.

We have allowed the two major party’s to hijack the elections and to eliminate any third party candidates access to the ballots. The reasons for this can be reduced to one important reason: whichever of the two you vote for will continue to dismantle the United States.

For those of you who cling for dear life to the fictional two party system, let me give you a clue. You are a fool! This election has made it abundantly clear that Clinton has been tapped as the new chief executive, and Trump has been thrown in as the ringer. He is there simply to make it appear that there is some kind of contest going on. There isn’t.

Ask yourself when was the last time you ever saw Republicans cannibalize their own candidate in a presidential election? The last four election cycles were a parade of buffoons, clowns, and blithering idiots on the Republican side…..and they still put Bush2 in the White House in 2000 ( thanks to the unlawful, unconstitutional intervention of the Supreme Court which made sure the right flunkie got crowned) and again in 2004.

Do you really think they didn’t know in 2000 that, that man was inherently ignorant and couldn’t put two words together and come up with his own name? Yet they spoke about him as some kind of demigod that God himself had tapped for the job.

I can’t stand any more of this. If these two, Trump or Clinton, are the best we can come up with to lead this country, maybe we should just give up. I am so tired of the lying, and posturing from the mouths of people who don’t give a fat rat’s butt what happens to any of us out here. But even more than that, I am angry that so many Americans are so willingly mislead into thinking there is one iota of difference between them and what they intend for this country.

This isn’t about right v left, Republican v Democrat, conservative v liberal…..this is about us versus them …..and us is losing.


8 thoughts on “Election 2016: Are we really going to let them get away with this?

  1. Unfortunately, yes they will and are getting away with it, what sucks the most is any offensive posture from citizens will be twisted to serve their needs, not ours. So we sit and wait until finally the tyranny is so blatent and oppresive any man of good heart, must do something. Catch 22 you see.

    The way i see it, its all an elaborate ruse, hillary
    Will bring us, more imigration, more wealth dist., more spying on citizens, more pay for play etc…

    Trump will bring us into a full fledged security/ police state, in the name of stoping terrorism, lol manufactured terrorism, and poorly manufactured i might add.

    Either way as the author stated, there is no choice at all, and to me anyways it seems like the intention is really for one of the VPs to be filling the shoes of POTUS.

  2. I have wanted to post on here for a while, now is the time. I noticed you do not use discus or any of that crapola….Our votes do not count anyway. We have a electoral college that decides who will be the next P.U.T.O. president under title only. watch this, just hang with it..it will make perfect sense.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6G2XwmszYE or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjSb2JU0SBM
    Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes said it best… Wake up everybody, no more sleepin in bed..no more backward thinkin, time for thinkin ahead….the world has changed so very much from what it used to be..So there is so much hatred, war and poverty…waaOhhhaa

  3. “But even more than that, I am angry that so many Americans are so willingly mislead into thinking there is one iota of difference between them and what they intend for this country.”

    Welcome to my world. It’s sad, ain’t it? 🙁

  4. And soon you will be forced to defend your Country, family, and your life as you will not be left alone… Decide, prepare, pray… you have no choice!

  5. I am voting for Trump and I’ll tell you why. Because all I hear is talk. No one is doing a damn thing about any of this bull manure. I for one am sick to death of it. If I am to die fighting for my country that I love ,I’ll do it on my terms and I will go down fighting. Trump may be a piece of garbage but the other one is pure sewerage sludge. The key word is- is, not- may be. That’s the way I see it. I may be wrong . It would’nt be the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last time . This may be the last time that I ever vote. I believe in the system but the corruption behind it stinks to high heaven. If I live through it and our Country returns to being a true Constitutional Republic , I will vote again. We’ll see.

    1. Go ahead and vote for Trump and I’ll tell you what.
      In accordance with the Patriot Act and Section 10-21 and 10-22 of the National Defense Authorization Act, our people’s Bill of Rights is suspended, hence we cannot exercise free will. We are under a foreign occupation of Zionist led international socialists. It is they who are conducting their election to decide which one of them will act as our next dictator.
      To vote in this foreign fraudulent election is an act of espionage against the American nationals. It is to acquiesce to the occupation. It is to surrender our Bill of Rights.
      You assert that you will acquiesce to what you consider a better aspect of the occupation. You are accepting the occupation under some unrealistic notion that you can end the occupation by cooperating with what you consider the better aspect of it.
      You vote, you commit treason. That’s not me and that is not an opinion, that is absolute fact of law. Apparently you fear them more than you fear our assertion that we will see every traitor prosecuted, as more of us are going to have to die on account of those who cooperate.

    2. Go ahead and vote, lets see what happens. Trump is just another Zionist Jew ass kissing piece of shit. Your vote will not count, they will put into office who they want, be it Clinton or Trump. This is not our country.

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