Endgame response to Karl Rove/1% ‘We’re an Empire creating our own reality for you to study’: Study’s over – you’re under arrest

Washington’s Blog – by Carl Herman

Three weeks before W. Bush’s election for a second term in 2004, his Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, chided Pulitzer-winning journalist, Ron Suskind. Rove said:

Guys like [Suskind] were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” … “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

Readers and writers in alternative media can explain, document, and prove that much of these “created realities” are “Big Lie” crimes, objectively not even close to the foundational principle of “limited government” within the US Constitution, and “created” with whatever bullshit rhetoric their focus groups conclude most likely to sell (thank you, Professor Frankfurt, for your bestseller making BS an academic term).

Readers and writers in alternative media observe escalating US and developed nations’ “created reality” crimes in ~100 areas, but perhaps most easily recognized in:

Good news is that solutions are obvious; the challenge for Earth’s victory over these literalpsychopathic “leaders” is to cause critical mass of humanity to recognize “Emperor’s new clothes”obvious crimes, demand arrests, and split the ~95% of humanity who would choose love and justice from relatively few committed psychopathic wanna-be slave masters.

Great news is that readers and writers in alternative media are certainly free to “study what the psychopaths do,” their crime du jour, AND we are also free to take the endgame path to:

  1. Declaring our study over; we’ve seen more than enough.
  2. Command the facts over a few key areas of the “Big Lie” crimes (feel free to take the three I have above).
  3. Confidently demand arrests and/or Truth & Reconciliation.

I’ve had enough of these war-murders and created-poverty that annually kill millions, harm billions of humans (and trillions of other Earth beings), and loot trillions of dollars, all while being fed a constant stream of bullshit to lie, distract, and retard us from our real opportunity:

Competitive cooperation to realize Earth as the astoundingly beautiful place it should be. 

How about you? Haven’t you had enough of this shit?

I mean, don’t get me wrong: I like knowing more of the fascinating truths as anyone else, but at this point I’m far more committed to “winning time” rather than “studying what they do.”

We have lots of company. People around the world view the US as the greatest threat to peace; voted three times more dangerous than any other country. The data confirm this conclusion:

Btw, the categories of crime for armed attacks outside US treaty limits are Wars of Aggression, and likelytreason for lying to US military, ordering unlawful attack and invasions of foreign lands, and causing thousands of US military deaths.

One option for your consideration of action is the 2014 Worldwide Wave of Action (and here), begun on the April 4 anniversary of Martin King’s assassination by the US government (civil court trial verdict) and completing ~July 4 (Martin’ 2-minute plea to you).

Another option is to just shine your light as seems best as our endgame evolves. It might be an energetic frequency we hold that is most important, as some of my colleagues/friends suppose (there certainly aren’t enough of us here to affect policy much, so perhaps our presence is to sharply provide choice to the public).

We’ll discover all together as we keep moving forward (as best we can discern that direction to be).


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