Evil is Triumphing as Good Men do Nothing

Osama Bin Laden has found his way back into the mainstream media as today marks the one year anniversary of his latest death.  It is indeed amazing how things change from year to year to year.  In 2009, Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and here we are in 2012 with Obama running for a second term and using his Middle East body count as a part of his campaign platform.

I wonder if he intends to include Gaddafi’s grandchildren as a part of his resume.  I mean if he is going to claim the credit for killing Osama Bin Laden while sitting on his backside in the White House, should not the deaths of every Libyan be also thus attributed?  Why not.  Killing the enemies of Israel in the Middle East, whether man, woman, or child, has to be considered a positive and good thing, right?

Of course it does.  Look at George W. Bush.  He caused genocide to be committed on a million innocent Iraqis.  Was he taken before a War Crimes Tribunal?  Of course not.  This monster is now being portrayed as a kindly, if not a bit eccentric, old gentleman that rides his bicycle in tribute to the tens of thousands of US soldiers he caused to be maimed.

What about his partner in war crimes, Dick Cheney?  He not only was an active participant in the Iraqi genocide, but also managed to steal $2 trillion from the American taxpayers to give to Halliburton, which he was CEO of before becoming Vice-President.  So how was this diabolical maker of misery punished?  Well he was given a new heart at the age of 71, a gift I assure you no middle class or working poor American would receive.

Which brings us to the final question, where did that heart come from?  My first thought was a political dissident from China, but when I considered the question more in depth, I came to the realization that Cheney would need a truly evil heart in order for it to be compatible with his evil soul.

Many young strong evil American criminals are put to death every year.  So which one of these monsters lives on through his heart, which now beats on in Dick Cheney’s evil chest?

These international Zionists are a breed apart from the rest of us in that the things that repulse us are what make them thrive.  War.  Famine.  Disease.  They are the pure evil that is referred to in the Bible.  They are the enemy the righteous must overcome before God’s kingdom can be the reality.

May God help us in our endeavor to bring his Kingdom to fruition.

One thought on “Evil is Triumphing as Good Men do Nothing

  1. Oh come on people where’s your patriotism. We are now finally in the stretch. Just ten more measly years of pointless war eating away at America’s very soul, and then the world will be a better place. Thanks Obummer the peacemaker. Can I have another?

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