8 thoughts on “EVIL TYRANTS: Martial Law Intensifies To Fever Pitch In Australia. Crippling Fines Threatened, ADF

    1. Agreed! Weimar Germany was also a stinking degenerate communist hellhole just prior to WWII! I’d also add Stasi East Germany after WWII where these aussie cops would’ve fit in perfectly!

      Btw, good to see that lately all these videos have heaps of comments & 100% of them agree & are resistant.

  1. Absolutely chilling vid. Tyranny struttin’ its stuff. Carry Identification! Register! Get a permit to go here and there! And they took out the word “recreation.” Can’t have any of that. And the fines keep increasing.

    How much more easy it would be to rectify all of this if not for the compliers. Compliers are spoiling the party. Even more so than the perps.


  2. Arrogant bastard and bitch aren’t they?! Take a good look America, that is what happens when a people allow themselves to be disarmed.

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