Ex-Miami-Dade cop rebuilt his life after prison. Then, a nephew had him murdered, police say

Miami Herald

Johnnie Ridgeway III, a former Miami-Dade police officer who served two years in federal prison for a civil-rights violation, worked hard to put his life back together.

The 51-year-old drove a tanker truck, delivering fuel overnight to gas stations. A few years ago, he’d finally saved up enough money to buy a home in Sunrise for him and his longtime wife, Sonia.

“He loved his home. It meant so much to him,” Sonia Ridgeway said Thursday. “He paid for his crime, and all he wanted to do was work. He lived an exemplary life.”

But his life, police say, ended violently when a killer broke into the family’s Sunrise home and shot Ridgeway to death as he slept in his bed earlier this month. Now, detectives allege the plot was hatched by his own family — his wife’s nephew, Michael Colon, 46, who had “bad blood” with Ridgeway, according to court documents.

Read the rest here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article237872849.html

4 thoughts on “Ex-Miami-Dade cop rebuilt his life after prison. Then, a nephew had him murdered, police say

  1. So his “civil rights violations” were actually sexual assaults against women and he is painted as a “model citizen”.

    He was spared justice by his masters.

    I would wager that the shooter of this pig was exacting justice for his daughter.

    pig did it to other women, so I doubt he controlled his urges on anyone else.

    THAT is probably why Michael Colon shot the bastard and his daughter, another victim, drove the getaway car.

    1. “THAT is probably why Michael Colon shot the bastard…”

      Granted, but that guy’s a real piece of work himself, Martist.

      “Colon, the son of Sonia Ridgeway’s sister, boasts a long criminal history. He served nearly a decade behind bars for a series of burglary convictions in Miami-Dade County in the early 1990s.”

      That was a while back, but more recently…

      “In 2015, Colon was accused of robbing the wife of a visiting Chinese professor for the University of Miami, shooting the woman in the leg.”

      That pig may well have deserved what he got, but this @sswipe shouldn’t get a pass, either.

      Premeditated murder gets you the death penalty,… the least he should get would be a manslaughter charge, imo. From the sound of it, Colon had a far more documented criminal past (and tendencies) than the pig he killed, so he deserves some prison time at the very least.

      Too bad about the daughter… once they put her in that ‘criminal justice system’ of theirs, she’s virtually guaranteed to become a REAL criminal.

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