Execution in a Vegetable Garden

MarlonBrown-CopBlockCop Block – by Krystal Brown, May 8, 2013

Former Officer James P. Harris
Deland Police Dept, Chief Bill Ridgeway, 386-626-7414

Marlon Brown was being stopped at 12:30am for an alleged seat belt violation in the spring hill community of Deland, Fl. After exiting his vehicle in a vacant lot on foot and unarmed, he was followed by former Officer James P. Harris as he drove his police cruiser. Harris followed unarmed Marlon Brown, never deviating in his path nor decelerating in his speed.  

Harris entered the lot at 16mph and accelerated to 24mph upon striking and killing the unarmed Marlon Brown with his police cruiser. He next hit a fence and came to a stop in a neighbors back yard just feet away from their shed. Harris’ only comment of the entire event is that he was trying to scare the unarmed Marlon back to the wood line. That’s not seen in the video.

The police chief Bill Ridgeway fired Harris immediately after viewing the video. However, our great State Atty Larizza refused to charge Harris with vehicular homicide, stating he did nothing criminally wrong, only violated policy and procedure.

Also, the medical examiner states in her report that there is no evidence that Marlon Brown was struck by the vehicle. Did she watch the same video we watched? The family continues to fight along with their attorney Ben Crump for justice in this matter.

Watch the video!

Krystal Brown


4 thoughts on “Execution in a Vegetable Garden

  1. “The police chief Bill Ridgeway fired Harris immediately after viewing the video. However, our great State Atty Larizza refused to charge Harris with vehicular homicide, stating he did nothing criminally wrong, only violated policy and procedure.”

    ROLMFAO!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! OMG, the insanity!

    Let’s see, if you violated police procedure, you should be fined or jailed. And if you KILL an innocent person AFTER you violated police procedure, you should be put away for life!

    But somehow that doesn’t register in the minds of psychopaths. Typical.


  2. Police report: ‘I swerved my car 3-times and finally ran the guy over’.

    A hero cop, Constitutionally sworn to serve and protect the public. By the way Mr. Police Officer, don’t forget to arrest the neighbor for growing and watering an illegal vegetable garden. Florida Justice at its best !

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