Explosion Levels South Philadelphia Home, 6 Hurt

NBC News – by Karen Araiza

A South Philadelphia row home collapsed Monday morning, after what neighbors describe as an explosion.

At least six people have been rushed to the hospital, including 4 adults, a 15-year-old and an infant.  

Additional rescue units have been called to the scene in the 400 block of Daly Street.

Laura McColgan lives around the corner when the house came down.

“I was upstairs brushing my teeth. I heard a very loud noise. Not being sure what it was, I came downstairs and went out my back door,” McColgan said. “I went outside and saw everyone running around the corner. I saw the building down, saw the smoke and smelled the horrible smell of gas as well.”

Emergency crews have shut off traffic in the immediate area and have been going door-to-door to get people out of their homes, as a precaution.

“Police with bullet-proof vests on are walking up and down the street to make sure everyone is okay,” McGolgan said. “I’m still shaking.”

Utility crews are also on the scene. Daly Street has been evacuated and six homes on Wolf Street, which is just South of Daly Street.

“It definitely was an explosion,” McColgan said.

The home, at 426 Daly Street looks shredded. Adjoining homes are also damaged.

Fire officials confirmed that it was an explosion. They say a private contractor was working in the basement of the home when the explosion occurred. He was burned and taken to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.

Some of the victims are from neighboring homes. The baby lives at 428 Daly and the 15-year-old, a girl, lives at 430 Daly, according to witnesses who live on the block.

Daly Street sits in a residential area of South Philadelphia, populated by row homes.


2 thoughts on “Explosion Levels South Philadelphia Home, 6 Hurt

  1. Is this the same area in Philadelphia where that faulty building collapsed a few weeks ago? What the heck is wrong with Philadelphia these days?

  2. Judging by the look of the house that burnt contractor is a lucky guy to still be alive.

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