False Flag Or Fake: “Chemical Gas Attack” In Syria

World Affairs

Here is a quick analysis of why the so-called “chemical gas attack” in Syria is very likely a fake or a false flag attack.

Cui Bono: Latin for “Who Benefits?” Who gains from this attack? Certainly not the Syrian President, Assad. He’s been winning the wars against both ISIS and Al Qaeda for the last 4 months, capturing one major city/region after another. He is getting help from Russia, Iran and even the U.S. Just a couple of days ago, Trump said he is dropping the slogan, “Assad must go.” A chemical attack by Assad would be the dumbest move ever that turns the world against him. So the ONLY people to benefit from this “chemical gas attack” are Assad’s enemies.  

BTW, don’t assume that Assad is some kind of a bloodthirsty, Jihadist monster. He is truly a moderate and a very sophisticated guy who was once embraced by the western Establishment. Here are some pictures of Assad schmoozing with the the British Queen, the Pope(!), former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and John Kerry. (The woman shaking the Queen’s hand is Assad’s wife.)


Not Effective, Not Needed: When Russia and USA gladly drop conventional bombs on terrorists on behalf of Syria, there is no need to use chemical weapons. Examples:

You get the picture. Follow @CJTFOIR on Twitter and you will get daily reports on USA bombing the hell out of ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Fake Chemical Attack: To begin with, the Syrian government gave up all its chemical weapons in 2013 and there’s no proof they had acquired any since then. Apart from that, there are many suspicious things that point to this attack possibly being fake. And if you had followed up on the alleged attack in 2013, you wouldn’t need too much convincing, but let’s go through three evidences from today.

1) Pictures of White Helmets helping “victims” while not wearing gloves. This is dangerous, unprofessional and possibly suicidal (since the chemicals on the victims’ skin would seep through the handler’s skin and hurt/kill the handler as well).

Idlib -white helmets

2) A “dead” girl in a heart-breaking video (at the end of this blog post) opens her eyes just a few seconds earlier. (Also, look at her unblemished skin – not exactly how skin looks after exposure to chemicals such as mustard gas, sarin gas or other chemical weapons)

Idlib2 - girl eyes

In 2013, during similar allegations of chemical attack by Assad, BBC was caught staging a fake story at a hospital.

Finally, there’s been a doctor in Idlib who’s been tweeting non-stop about the gas attack. He’s also being interviewed on all the major TV networks and treated as the lead witness. So who is he? He is a radical Muslim (jihadist) doctor from the UK who he lost his medical license after being charged with terrorist kidnapping of journalists in Syria. This guy is an Al Qaeda doctor and anything he says is obvious propaganda.

Idlib Doctor 2

False Flag Attack: This is when Al Qaeda or any other jihadist group would deliberately use actual chemical gas and then blame it on Assad. Al Qaeda and ISIS have easy access to chemical weapons and have used it dozens of times. For example, even the New York Times admits that ISIS has used chemical weapons in Syria and Iraq more than 50 times! Of course, when ISIS and Al Qaeda use chemical weapons, the MSM just shrugs it off, so most people are unaware of the capabilities of the terrorists in Syria.

The Jihadists are barbaric and there is a lot of brutal fighting amongst themselves. For example, in Idlib, just two months ago, Al Qaeda killed 100 jihadists from another group. Also, just yesterday, Al Qaeda killed a prominent FSA (“moderate rebel”) commander. Thus, one possibility is that Al Qaeda used chemical weapons on one of their adversaries and then blamed it on the Syrian government. Two goals achieved in a single act.


I am not even going to talk about the involvement of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, CIA and the others, since that’s too long a discussion. You can read my two extensive articles (listed below) on the truth about the war in Syria. But before jumping to any conclusions, we all should demand at least the following:

  • 1) UN chemical experts must go to Idlib, Syria, and collect and analyze the samples, and
  • 2) UN weapons experts must go to the site, collect evidence, and figure out exactly who fired the weapons, from where etc.

As a final note, just remember that there are very powerful groups that have “invested” billions of dollars on destroying the Syrian government, and they are not going to give up easily.

Articles on Syria:

Part 1: Who is behind the war in Syria? What are their motives?

Part 2: Execution of Syrian War. From Libya to ISIS

Video with “dead girl” opening one of her eyes!

World Affairs

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