FBI Director Wray Blames BLM Riots On ‘Sovereign Citizens’ And Militias; Says Capitol Protest Was ‘Domestic Terrorism’

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

FBI Director Chris Wray on Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee attempted to blame “sovereign citizens” and militias for the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots.

Wray received a pat on the head from the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt for calling the mostly peaceful Capitol protest “domestic terrorism.”

The FBI and the ADL are now one and the same.

Wray said twice there’s no evidence linking Antifa or BLM to the Capitol protest — even though BLM/Antifa activist John Sullivan was arrested for taking part in the storming of the Capitol and was captured on video smashing a window and encouraging violence.

It’s possible Sullivan is an FBI informant, so perhaps Wray can get off on a technicality.

We have every reason to believe “prolific” FBI informant Enrique Tarrio — who was a top organizer of the event — was working for the feds.

Unfortunately, not one Senator asked Wray the most important question about Jan 6: how much involvement did the FBI have in organizing the “storming” through their informants and undercover assets?

Information Liberation

2 thoughts on “FBI Director Wray Blames BLM Riots On ‘Sovereign Citizens’ And Militias; Says Capitol Protest Was ‘Domestic Terrorism’

  1. Of course he does
    It fits their narrative
    And the ensuing war they are planning for us all

  2. Terrorists & tyrants tend to accuse others of being the same. It reminds me of what one of my earliest public screwl teaches taught me, “…whenever you point a finger at someone, always remember that you’re pointing 3 back at yourself.”

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