FBI en route to Oregon Federal Building occupation


Federal Agents arrive in Oregon en masse, prepare to gain tactical advantage over militia with swift, hot, response effort

Update 11:00 p.m. local time: An important side note is that multiple independent reporters on the scene are reporting that, as of now, there is no “stand off” and that the local sheriff who claimed the men want to “overthrow” the government just straight up lied.  

The sheriff has NOT spoken with the group yet the mainstream media is going with this narrative 100%. One reporter also noted that claims that the whole group are white are also completely false. 

Update 10:12 p.m. local time: After watching events unfold during the last day it has become increasingly clear, especially with the Hammond family publicly disavowing a connection to the armed militia at the federal building, that the tactics taken by the Bundy family and supporters may not be the best course of action.

President Obama is literally one day away from executive orders on gun control and now CNN can run headlines about patriot gunmen storming a federal building. The timing on this is absolutely horrible to say the least. 

It is also highly likely that agent provocateurs with the FBI are on scene right now, just waiting for the perfect catalyst to start a violent confrontation which the media then uses to attack all patriots and the 2nd Amendment.

The concerns expressed by the armed group at the federal building are absolutely valid, we just think that this situation could easily turn into something where more harm than good is done.

To those on scene we hope you will take ever precaution necessary to NOT allow a violent conflict to happen. If the Hammond’s are not supporting this it may be time to rethink the strategy taken. 

New Waco equals civil war?


Burns, Ore. (INTELLIHUB) — Heavily armed and well-equipped federal agents have arrived in Oregon from various parts of the U.S. to gain tactical advantage over the armed patriot group who commandeered a federal building Saturday, by responding swiftly and with force if necessary.

Additionally, political figures have been placed under an unofficial public gag order and were instructed to not talk about the situation. So far major mainstream coverage of the event has been limited.

It is important to note that if authorities really have issued a sort of unofficial gag order then they are most likely planning on a violent confrontation with the militia and patriot groups on scene.

Intellihub staff anticipates FBI agents, along with embedded members of the press, to arrive on scene sometime during the wee hours of Monday morning.

Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward issued a statement on Saturday which said:

These men came to Harney County claiming to be part of militia groups supporting local ranchers, when in reality these men had alternative motives to attempt to over throw the county and federal government in hopes to spark a movement across the United States.

We are currently working jointly with several organizations to make sure the citizens of Harney County are safe and this issue is resolved as quickly and peaceful as possible. At this time we do not have any information that any other areas in Harney County are in immediate danger.

We ask that people stay away from the refuge for their safety. We also ask that if anyone sees any of these individuals in the area to please contact law enforcement and do not confront the individuals themselves.

Intellihub staff managed to get a message of warning to independent reporters on the ground. At this point one has to wonder if the FBI and or other government agencies have agent provocateurs staged WITHIN the militia group occupying the federal building.

If that is the case then we truly are at red alert level.

H/T: Marie Snow

Additional Source:

FBI to deal with militia group at Malheur Refuge — KOIN6


8 thoughts on “FBI en route to Oregon Federal Building occupation

  1. “The timing on this is absolutely horrible to say the least. ”

    Or was that the plan?

    “It is also highly likely that agent provocateurs with the FBI are on scene right now, just waiting for the perfect catalyst to start a violent confrontation which the media then uses to attack all patriots and the 2nd Amendment.”

    like i said above

    if a bullet flies , let it come out of the Fed coats barrel first ..nuff said

  2. Federal government had an absolute duty to respect their due process rights and to do what IS necessary to end the situation without killing them.

    if neither path is respected , then there is no high ground for the Feds

  3. It probably got buried under a deluge of great discussions last night or it was late in the evening, but again I must ask if anybody has seen independent coverage from bystanders or militia present, other than that from msm or those who are pretty well proven fed provocateurs? I don’t have facef**ck or any other social media but after a search, msm and the familiar faces was all I could find and it is improbable that those were the only ones available.

  4. Learn a lesson from this no matter what happens: Never be a dumb ass like these idiots and corner yourself in a building with no way out or the chance of outside support or logistics… IE FOOD and WATER! Frankly all the agents have to do is keep them sealed up till they surrender from lack of food and water then have them all arrested for trespassing and carrying firearms (true or not) on federal property. This is a “fish in a barrel” situation for the government. The only ones to blame are the dumbasses inside the building who decided it was a good idea to put themselves in a situation like this. If they have any braincells at all they have other units somewhere else to come save their sorry asses if the government starves them out.

    Fedgov is smiling along with the jews, masons and commies, it is a win-win situation for them because they hold all the cards and the upper hand. No need to shoot, they can just sit this one out.

  5. What kind of a sheep is it, that would comply with an FBI (unofficial) gag order? Don’t the elected officials know how to say, “Go pound sand up your ass?” This is typical FBI behavior, in order to totally control the narrative. I saw the same thing at WACO, when the slime ball, special agent Hicks, gave his lying information briefs.

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