FCC creates national Blue Alert system just in time for the holidays


Happy holidays everyone, the FCC, DHS and the Department of Justice just created a national Blue Alerts system.

Two weeks ago, the FCC created a national Blue Alert system that will notify everyone of a threat to law enforcement.  

“The Federal Communications Commission today added a new alert option called a “Blue Alert” to the nation’s emergency alerting systems.”

Do American’s really believe we need a Blue Alert system to keep police safe?

America’s police are equipped to wage a war on anyone that threatens them. Take a look at this 2014 picture of police if Ferguson, Missouri.

Does that look like police are afraid of  anyone or anything?

Who will receive Blue Alerts?

Blue Alerts will be sent to cell phones and TV’s

Just when you thought the war on terror couldn’t get any worse, the Blue Alert system will begin notifying everyone’s phones no later than 2019.

“The FCC created a dedicated Blue Alert event code in the Emergency Alert System so that state and local agencies have the option to send these warnings to the public through broadcast, cable, satellite, and wireline video providers.Officials may also send Blue Alerts through the Wireless Emergency Alert system to consumers’ wireless phones.” 

What they are really saying is that by 2019,  Blue Alerts will be sent to everyone whether you like it or not.

Why was the Blue Alert system really created?

Last year, I warned everyone that Blue Alerts were designed to keep Americans in a constant state of fear.

Is there really a war on cops?

In 2015, more police officers died from car accidents than were killed in the line of duty.

In 2015, the latest year for which the FBI has analyzed data, 41 police officers died as a result of the felonious actions of others. Forty-five died in accidents — 40 of which were attributable to traffic and/or automobile-related incidents.

A 2016 FBI press release acknowledged that violence against law enforcement is decreasing.

“The five- and 10-year comparisons show a decrease of 31 felonious deaths compared with the 2011 figure (72 officers) and a decrease of seven deaths compared with 2006 data (48 officers)…”

And in 2017, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund’s (NLEOMF) latest report claims the number of officers killed in the line of duty is the 2nd-lowest in FIFTY YEARS.

image credit: USA Today

“The number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty dropped sharply in 2017, marking the second-lowest toll in more than 50 years.”

Keep in mind that just like in 2015, more than forty cops died in traffic related accidents and 37 died of “other causes”. The NLEOMF does not disclose what they mean by “other causes” but it is safe to assume they are referring to officer suicides.

So there you have it, the government has succeeded in creating a national alert system based entirely on lies.

To everyone I say,  savor this New Years Eve. Because by this time next year, Blue Alerts will be used to keep the never ending war on terror on going strong.


12 thoughts on “FCC creates national Blue Alert system just in time for the holidays

  1. oh for crying out loud……..some people here in the twilight zone burn their blue lights continuously…..these will be the same people that hand over their guns for the asking

    1. and I might add ‘blue’ to condition the sheeple to believe the blue helmets are good guys…just here to help

  2. “….a national Blue Alert system that will notify everyone of a threat to law enforcement…..”

    And by notifying everyone, they’re hoping to find someone who actually gives a rat’s ass. It’s more likely to prompt people to party.

    “Break out the champagne…. another stinking pig bastard never made it back to the station after his shift”.

    1. “….What they are really saying is that by 2019, Blue Alerts will be sent to everyone whether you like it or not…..”

      If that crap can’t be blocked, the bill doesn’t get paid.

  3. National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund officer fatalities 2016 report:

    “Fifty-three officers were killed in traffic-related incidents in 2016, which was 10 percent more than the 48 killed on roadways in 2015. Of the 53 traffic-related deaths, 28
    died in automobile crashes…”

    “Eighteen officers died from other causes in 2016, including 11 who died from job-related illnesses—mostly heart attacks—while performing their duties.”

    National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund officer fatalities 2015 report:

    “Traffic-related incidents were the leading cause of officer deaths in 2015, killing 52. Thirty-five officers died in automobile crashes…”

    “Thirty officers died from other causes in 2015 compared to 21 in 2014, a 43 percent increase. Job-related illnesses, such as heart attacks, rose to 24 officer deaths compared to 18 in 2014.”

  4. Don’t call my home anymore begging for money for your memorial fund!

    Walmart workers don’t call my home begging for money for being overworked and underpaid. At least they know, they of their free will applied for the job and got hired and now have to put up with the conditions. They also wear a uniform with a name badge and none of them have a superiority complex. Must be because they have not as yet been given the green light to murder, harass, and maim shoppers.

    You are NOT special!

  5. I smell fear

    Losers don’t even realize they are the cause of the hate directed at them
    Just keep “following orders”

  6. Umm… why would I or anyone else for that matter, care about keeping police safe. This is a joke. The whole idea of the police is to keep the public safe, not the other way around.

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