Fed up with computer, Colorado man takes it out back and shoots it 8 times

Fox CT

COLORADO SPRINGS — Here’s something new to add to the lexicon of computer commands: CTRL + ALT + UNLOAD.

Sick and tired of an uncooperative PC, Lucas Hinch of Colorado Springs took matters into his own hands. He took a gun too.

Then, in a back alley, he fired eight shots into the machine — “effectively disabling it,” according to a Colorado Springs Police incident report.  

“(The) Investigation revealed a resident was fed up with fighting his computer for the last several months,” the report said.

Hinch was cited with discharging a firearm within city limits.

He told the Los Angeles Times that he has no regrets over ending the computing life of his troublesome Dell.

“It was glorious,” he said. “Angels sung on high.”

One too many “blue screens of death,” apparently.

“It was extremely frustrating,” he said. “I reached critical mass.”


6 thoughts on “Fed up with computer, Colorado man takes it out back and shoots it 8 times

  1. Must have been a Hewlett Puckered product made in CHINE’ . The cause was more than sufficient. 🙂 LOL!!

    Dude!!! Ya should have bought a DELL!!!!

  2. If he took a hammer to it he wouldn’t have a big fine to pay.

    You also get a lot more satisfaction from the hammer swing. If you apply this thought to people, you’ll notice that guns are very business-like killing machines. They good for self-defense, or eliminating enemy soldiers, but murder is a crime of passion, and there will be little satisfaction from shooting someone that you really want dead.

    When you really WANT to kill someone, I think you’ll get a lot more satisfaction from the act by beating him to death with a golf club or baseball bat (or hammer) than you would by shooting him.

    1. I dont have that much time to put forth that much energy,, i’ll just let my 44 take all the hard work out of it for me ,, im also not a patient man ,, or so im told

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