First elected transgender state rep arrested in New Hampshire for distributing child exploitation images by Oli London

The first-ever elected transgender lawmaker, former state Rep. Stacie Laughton [D] of New Hampshire, has been arrested and charged with four felony charges of distributing child exploitation images.

The 39-year-old former lawmaker of Derry, New Hampshire, was arrested by the Nashua Police Department on June 22. Detectives from the Special Investigations Division had been alerted two days prior when individuals at a local community center reported Laughton and police were subsequently granted a warrant for Laughton’s arrest.

The Nashua Police Department confirmed his arrest while referring to the transgender lawmaker as “she.”

“On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, Officers responded to a local facility for a juvenile matter,” the statement read. “They spoke with reporting parties that indicated Laughton distributed sexually explicit images of children…They applied for and were granted a warrant for Laughton’s arrest. She was arrested on Thursday, June 22, 2023.”

The transgender lawmaker resigned from his position as a Democrat New Hampshire Rep in December 2022 after being arrested on November 12 for breaching a stalking order charge held against him. At the time of the resignation he issued a statement claiming he needed to work on his mental health, stating, “I will be attending mental health court and getting some counseling and trying to get my life back on track. I’m not perfect.” He also claimed that despite the arrest he would run for election again “in two years…I will run for state representative again.”

Nashua Police have said that Laughton’s case is also connected to the arrest of New Hampshire woman Lindsay Groves, who is alleged to have taked sexually explicit images of children at Creative Minds Early Learning Center daycare in Tyngsborough, Massachusetts. The woman, who was employed at the daycare since 2017 as a child care teacher, was arrested and charged with one count of sexual exploitation of children and one count of distribution of child pornography. Both Laughton and Groves are reported to be close, with numerous pictures of the pair together on Facebook.

In a press statement issued by the US Attorney’s Office, District of Massachusetts it is alleged that the daycare worker took nude images of children at the facility where she worked and distributed the photos to an individual she was close to and who she was previously in an intimate relationship with.

The victims were targeted during bathroom breaks, with some of the children still in diapers and pull-ups being photographed while having their diapers changed in a private bathroom. Groves then sent the images directly to an individual whom she was close to and who it is believed she had a prior romantic relationship with.

Over 2,500 text message exchanges were found between Groves and the individual, with many of the messages discussing and transferring the explicit images. Four of the explicit images found on her device were of children aged between 3-5

Laughton’s history of criminal behavior includes a 2008 conviction for credit card fraud, a 2015 conviction for making a bomb threat against Southern Medical Center Hospital in Nashua, which he later blamed on “mental illness,” a 2021 charge for sending fake texts to emergency 911 services, a July 2022 restraining order for stalking an unnamed woman and a November arrest for breaching the stalking order.

Laughton is currently being held on preventative detention and is set to be arranged at the Hillsborough Superior Court-South later today. He faces a minimum of 5 years in prison, up to a lifetime of supervised release and a fine up to $250,000 for the distribution of child pornography. Grove also faces the same sentence with an additional 15 years up to a maximum of 30 years and up to a lifetime of supervised release for taking the indecent images.

Link to original article

5 thoughts on “First elected transgender state rep arrested in New Hampshire for distributing child exploitation images by Oli London

  1. ‘E’lected… Yeah right.. I know the people are F’d up but not that bad.. not in that area of the country.. ‘S’elected is what it is.. I think most people just ignore all this crap instead of getting mad about it because mad requires violence.. and that’s the one thing nearly everybody is onboard with.. peaceful non violent.. praying voting peacefulling is what got us here.. ignoring the problem only makes it worse.. apathy is way worse than ….. Anything!!

  2. “Children will get used to our love-making if only the adults would stay out of it.”
    — Allen Ginsberg

    Hard to believe the above words were ever uttered. It is astounding, and tragic, that we have to focus so much of our time, energy, and attention on this pedophilia and debauchery epidemic, when the main focus should be on the fight for The Bill of Rights and on moving those blocking it out of the way. But we know that they intentionally weaken the culture so the people will not fight, selling a false freedom to the young. But this we’ve known this for years, they’re agenda to demoralize advances their full overtake.

    There is issue after issue, and distraction after distraction, all screaming “Look here!! Now look over here.” So they have so many looking away. But there are many eyes that are not looking away, eyes that see the lies, eyes in bodies with minds, bodies with minds just waiting for the right moment to engage.

    The destroyers do not care what we uncover and reveal. They do not fear that. What they really fear is uprising. Still, we continue to uncover and reveal with the sole purpose of bringing more to the fight, to the readiness, even while presidents and sons of presidents go unpunished and innocence is sacrificed.

    I actually heard arguments urging the age of consent to go all the way down to infancy, and more arguments pushing for public sex. Some even claim that incest is not always traumatic. (Yeah, sure, just wait 20 years.) Yes, it went all the way to that extreme. It’s getting really bad out there, every day worse and worse. And this very week, we see many more assaults on our children, not just on their minds, but on their bodies, too. To not fight for them is to abandon them.

    Bill of Rights sets things right.


  3. Worse, yes,

    But consider, the ‘jews’ behind all this crap want one thing at the moment. Civil War in America.
    And because no one budged on anitfa/blm, stolen election, etc, they installed a pedo president and are going after your kids.
    They are attacking the deepest conviction in most real parents minds, the safety security and wholesomeness of their children. By attacking this either, it’s roll over and play gay, or physical confrontation.

    The problem with revolution is that 9 times out of 10 it’s hijacked resulting in unintended consequences.

    Still, I think it’s high time for real confrontation before the ‘jews’ completely kill the nation.

    Oh yes and notice one more thing, the LGBTQPedos+ are less than 2% of the population.
    Who else has that representation in the population and also gets what they want when they whine?

    Time to ignore the whiners and set things straight.


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