First Pic Of Family Rescued By ‘Toxic’ George Zimmerman

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

While many on the left are calling the George Zimmerman rescue this week a hoax or conspiracy, the family rescued by Zimmerman have been identified. While family friends are calling Zimmerman ‘toxic’, the family has revealed that now they are concerned for their own lives as shared in the story below. A ‘conspiracy’? Check out the vid below too.

The family rescued last week by exonerated neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman after a car accident has been identified, but a family friend says they are keeping quiet because they are afraid for their lives. Still, that could all change Wednesday.  

The Daily Mail tracked down Mark and Dana Michelle Gerstle at their home, but says they are refusing to talk because they don’t want to be accused of painting Zimmerman as a hero and face those who are furious with the jury’s verdict.

“They are very grateful to Zimmerman for what he did, but they do not want to get involved,” a family friend told the Daily Mail.

“There is so much hatred directed towards him they have got to think about their own family. There are a lot of crazies out there. If they say anything in support of him it could backfire.”

“Let’s face it, George Zimmerman is pretty toxic right now,” another friend added.

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