The intergovernmental data trawling led by the America’s NSA, and partnering with the other Five Eyes nations the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, has the capability for full spectrum dominance over almost every aspect of human life – (BUT, remember everyone they’ve been playing the dead rubber of the game on Earth that had them accountable from day one – checkout website they violated “The God’s Document” that’s been signed and can never be undone and, their Corona lies and hoax vaccine is judging all on Earth – and The world violated its own existence with NO rule of Law for their hoax vaccine to change human DNA and violated the Authority of “The God’s Document” I refer to as signed law and due to this Authority they are forced to do Security Reports on me as this is not their Planet and knowing my evidence will have all accountable – and, my website is the “Neon Sign” for “them” and all to see that “they” are not the Gods of this Planet.)
The five eyes are Ephraim and Manasseh Josephs two sons that got his inheritance.
The five eyes are Ephraim and Manasseh Josephs two sons that got his inheritance. Genesis 48 19 says that America would be a great nation but Britain would be the Empire.
“The Five Eyes (FVEY) is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.”
Yeah. And I hear those eyes share one cornea, emanating from somewhere in the middle-east.
The Cyclops.