Crooks and Liars – by Karoli Kuns
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced yesterday that he would hold the next meeting of the Florida State Cabinet in Jerusalem at the U.S. Embassy he fought to move there when he was in Congress.
Yes, you read that right. The business of Florida State will be conducted in a foreign country whose interests may not be entirely aligned with Florida’s.
The Tampa Bay Times reports that the trip for Florida officials is hosted by a group called Enterprise Florida, a public-private partnership of business leaders and government officials. DeSantis serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
This is, of course, a pander to Jewish voters in Florida. It’s also a pander to Bibi Netanyahu and his hard-right governnment. And also, it’s a bow to dominionists who “support” Israel in order to witness its demise so the Rapture can begin. But mostly, it’s ridiculous. There is absolutely no reason on earth for Florida business to be conducted in any foreign country.
Taxpayers, regardless of their religion or ethnicity, should be outraged.
“Taxpayers, regardless of their religion or ethnicity, should be outraged.”
“Yes, you read that right. The business of Florida State will be conducted in a foreign country whose interests may not be entirely aligned with Florida’s.”
How could that ‘foreign country’s’ plan for total global domination through mass murder & bloodshed not POSSIBLY align with the State of Florida’s interests?
Notice how they have been twisting the words here to mind warp people.
“Taxpayers, regardless of their religion or ethnicity, should be outraged.”
Taxpayers??? What about just writing american nationals in florida? This is in your face treason first and foremost.
I vote this the most outlandish article of the day. Frikkin’ appalling!!!!
Amen and just happened on fricking Friday! LOL