Fla. woman who fled to avoid son’s circumcision is arrested


WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A Florida woman who fled to avoid the circumcision of her son was arrested Thursday for contempt of court, her attorney said.

Heather Hironimus went missing with her 4-year-old child nearly three months ago, going into hiding as her long court battle against the surgery reached its climax. Though her defenders said she was simply doing what she could to protect a child portrayed as “scared to death” of the procedure, a judge issued a scalding rebuke for her refusal to appear in court, charging her with contempt and issuing an arrest warrant.  

She was taken into custody Thursday, her attorney Thomas Hunker said, declining to release further details. Her name did not yet appear in inmate databases and calls to jail officials went unanswered.

Both sides are under a gag order in the case and Hunker did not disclose the whereabouts of the child. Hironimus and the boy’s father, Dennis Nebus, have been warring since her pregnancy. They were never married but share custody of their child, and in a parenting agreement filed in court, the two agreed to the boy’s circumcision. The mother later changed her mind, though, giving way to a long legal battle. Circuit and appellate judges have sided with the father, but potential surgeons have backed out after failing to get the mother’s consent and being targeted by anti-circumcision protesters.

Last month, out of options in state courts, Hunker filed a federal civil rights complaint on behalf of the child. No hearings have been held in that case yet. Circumcision rates have fallen in the U.S., but a majority of boys still undergo the removal of their foreskin. Even so, a bubbling movement of so-called “intactivists” has made the case a rallying cry against a surgery they view as barbaric.


7 thoughts on “Fla. woman who fled to avoid son’s circumcision is arrested

  1. Somebody cut off a chunk of that judges johnson and see how he likes it. Bet he changes his mind real quick.

  2. You’d have to lop off the judges head, ’cause he’s a dickhead.
    The government forcibly butchering a child’s genitalia wilest the mother wilts away in jail is a true abomination of justice.
    Judgement on those wicked individuals may not be swift as we’d like, but be assured it will be certain as the sun comes up, those atrocities cannot be overlooked by…..

  3. The ‘jews’ brought circumcision to america to hide amongst the population.

    Circumcision is pure ‘jew’ arrogance and rebellion against creation.
    Now, who else rebelled against creation and was eternally punished for it?

    Circumcision is enacting brutal violence on a near new-born.
    In the ‘jewish’ ritual the rabbi first hurts the baby, then sucks the now exposed wound dry of blood. How is this even allowed?

    It’s my personal belief that circumcision leaves more than a physical scar but a deep rooted mental one as well.

    How can one bring an innocent newborn into the world and have one of the first acts imparted on this child be bloody violence against the most exposed bundle of nerves a male has? Meaning it hurts and hurts a lot and deprives a male of full sexual experience. Who has the right to do such a thing?

    So much for ‘Do no harm’.


    1. you are right on ……… I recently read Jeanice Barceló’s book “Birth Trauma and The Dark Side of Modern Medicine” she does an expose of the barbaric jewish practice of circumcision

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