Flood the country with illegal aliens, enlist them in the military, and make them citizens

2 thoughts on “Flood the country with illegal aliens, enlist them in the military, and make them citizens

  1. I think this old geezer has lost his marbles. Can we get people in government who don’t sound like they came out of a nursing home? They’re all starting to sound like him.


  2. How casually he drops a bomb. Frikkin’ chilling. The invaders WILL SHOOT AT US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And why is recruitment down? Could it because many refused to succumb to the bio-weapon? Or because many realized they were fighting for communism, or for Israel? Or because they were granted no dignity from tranny officers in high-heels and lipstick? Or because they would be compelled to share a bathroom and shower with the opposite sex? But maybe, just maybe, they didn’t want to steal what belonged to others, or to destroy livelihoods and kill innocent people, or to sacrifice children or partake in any form of tortuous genocide?

    I smell the U.N. It stinks like an old shoe, lost by a dirty criminal in an attempt to get away from an horrendous crime scene.


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