FMCSA’s new requirements for entry-level driver training

American Trucker – by Catherine Conway

Instructional Technologies Inc. (ITI), a provider of training solutions for the transportation industry, has released the name of its new training program for drivers wanting to obtain a CDL: On Ramp Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT). This new system adopts new requirements demanded by FMCSA and will be fully operational by February 2020 for state, public, and private CDL schools. 

The new ELDT rules:

Setting minimum standards for CDL schools: Instead of being determined state by state, the minimum standards will now be set at the federal level.

Overseen by Department of Transportation (DOT): These schools must record and report hours spent behind the wheel to the DOT even though there is no federal minimum.

Schools required to register and self-certify: Schools can self-certify instructors. Individual instructors do not have to register with the DOT, however, some states require them to be registered.

Requirements for teacher qualifications: Instructors are now required to have a minimum two years of driving experience, a clean MVR and a medical certification for classroom, on the road and private range instruction.

Big increase in curriculum mandates: There will now be 31 theory course topics compared to the four knowledge topics previously required by the DOT. These course topics will be joined by 19 behind-the-wheel (BTW) skills now mandated and will be tested along with vehicle inspection skills at the state DMV.

Currently, any organization that meets state’s requirements can be a training provider. Starting in February 2020, a new Training Provider Registry (TPR) will come into effect where CDL schools must apply to join. It is important to note that this new registry created by the DOT is not live yet.

On Ramp ELDT is an online training, testing, and TPR connectivity program for those wanting to earn a CDL. This program will provide theory and testing on all 30+ core curriculum areas.

“Responsibility for the written test has essentially been put on CDL schools instead of DMVs, which places a great burden on them not only for providing training and content, but also for recordkeeping,” said Laura McMillan, VP of training development at ITI. “On Ramp eases that burden.”

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Students will have 24/7 access to On Ramp ELDT as well as its group training modules. These modules make presenting and recording student attendance and participation much quicker and easier. For example, an instructor can show an On Ramp video in a classroom, and students will automatically get the accompanying quiz.

On Ramp adopted a custom build LMS, called Sentix ELDT designed to meet the needs of schools and make it easier for them to meet the requirements of the new ELDT mandate. This new design collects information of registered students, including all data required by the mandate. It logs BTW hours from individual driver-trainees, and automatically send student completion data, including proficiency scores, to the TPR.

When asked if On Ramp ELDT would increase competition in the market for CDL training, McMillan stated that “there is a lot of speculation as to what impact there will be. When there was a cost benefit study done, it was believed that the industry could absorb the changes, but that it would put pressure on the driver shortage issue.”

7 thoughts on “FMCSA’s new requirements for entry-level driver training

  1. The invisible rule? The one where an illegal can become a trucker. Notice zero mention of whether or not your here legally, no mention of minimum age, basically all bullshit new rules that mean nothing for the security of American Nationals.

    More treason, more insanity.

  2. I don’t drive a truck anymore, but I aways notice them in my daily travels…and what has blown be away in the past 10 years is the lack of white, American drivers!!! The different languages I hear around a fuel island is truly amazing…Russian, Ukrainian, Pakistani, Hindi and of course, Spanish and Portugese.
    Who is running the CDL schools? Why are they not culpable for putting this unskilled trash on MY highway?
    Nothing happens by accident. There are no coincidences…this is by design. All part of the plan to turn America into an uneducated third-world shithole.

    1. That’s right Bud, they’re in 7th heaven right now, the third world shit hole truckers are licking their chops because they’re being paid three times more here.than the shit hole they crawled out of. The American National never had a chance. My only saving grace was I have experience, I’m like gold to these assholes, but and there is always a but, I’m taking a pay cut. The ONLY REASON I WENT FOR IT WAS THAT IM GETTING A BRAND NEW TRUCK. Too me that’s everything, I have to live in it.

      I’ll be asking for more soon, believe me. Things weren’t as seemed after the contract was signed.

      Again, I have no home, no car, no relationships holding my neck down, that’s what is saving my ass at the moment.

      You cant make it out here if your held down.

      1. My wife and I used to drive.

        My uncle, who drove in the 1970’s could believe he was making more then, than we were in 2000’s. We talked about de-regulation of the trucking industry driving down pay.

        When I first started in mid 90’s team pay was 23 cents a mile split.
        For north America hvp division barely got a little more.
        Wasn’t worth it. Made more money driving local until corporate regulation shut down most of the local industry.

        1. Yep, deregulation killed everything, including many trucking businesses. Many merged with others just to stay alive. It killed my fathers business.

          Thank you Ronald Reagan, not only did he do that, but he raised taxes the highest ever seen. What a commie SOB.

          This is what he ran on

          “The four pillars of Reagan’seconomic policy were to reduce the growth of government spending, reduce the federal income tax and capital gains tax, reduce government regulation, and tighten the money supply in order to reduce inflation.”

          He lied through his teeth. The government takes care of their own and screws everybody else.

  3. Friends of mine are about to stop driving and start mowing yards as a business there tired of the pay and being told when to park

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