For “liberals”.

Run for your life; the truth is coming. Get to your safe spaces, eat your comfort foods, and pray that the media can somehow turn their fictitious presentation into a provable reality. Cry, panic, protest and riot, and do whatever else is necessary in your last, desperate attempt to deny that you’ve been lied to for your entire life.

What we’re witnessing in America now is the beginning of a mass-meltdown of the big lie known as “liberalism”, as the media-created illusion finally clashes with the real world, and this collision is causing many ex-believers of the promised utopia to become unglued. They’re speeding around the learning curve, losing traction at the “acceptance” stage of the process, and spinning out of control in anger and confusion.  

Aside from the Soros-funded riots, what we’re seeing in the colleges and in the streets, are a lot of people being forced to face reality at once, while others make a desperate attempt to cling to the lie. On some subconscious level they must have always known the truth, because they  knew enough to hide from it.

I generally try to avoid categorizing people as either “liberal” or “conservative”, because these labels are a propagandist’s tool for keeping Americans divided, but there most definitely are causes and movements that deserve those designations, even if their adherents can only be so labeled some of the time, usually through no fault of their own. A truly “liberal” person, in my estimation, is simply another American whose education is lacking in knowledge not approved by the Zionist’s propaganda machine, and who has put too much faith in them as “trusted sources of information”.

Your political opinions are irrelevant unless you also understand how you arrived at them, and if they’re the product of the propaganda machine’s conditioning, you’re not harboring any opinions that are worth discussing anyway, because you’ve been deceived on a grand scale.

Even the people who have seen through the lies and have embraced reality are still being bombarded with falsehoods, distractions, and distortions from both mainstream and alternative media, all of whom are in the shady business of trying to influence you in one way or another, and usually against your best interests, or you wouldn’t need influencing at all.

Some people are naturally skeptical, and it doesn’t take much more than a little healthy skepticism to see through the big lie that masquerades as reality these days, but a far greater number of Americans are afraid to stray from the politically correct definition of acceptable thought or behavior, and will gladly avoid the facts and sacrifice truth to satisfy their base, human need to fit in with their tribe.

A liberal view, interpretation, or definition of anything always implies a relaxation, or bending of existing standards, while a conservative approach would always tend to conserve, or preserve existing, or former standards or conditions. That’s not my opinion, but instead it’s something along the lines of how a dictionary would define these things.

And since any change would therefore be the result of “liberalism”, that’s the side of the political spectrum that needs to be examined when it becomes obvious that all recent change has been for the worse.

Now there are people who would describe themselves as liberals, and if that label is of their own choosing, it’s certainly not my place to deny them that, but in the light of what we’ve learned, you can only see these people as victims of the propaganda machine, who were sold a fistful of dreams with false promises that took advantage of human optimism.

Yes, we can have a world without violence, but that’s never been the result of one segment of a population having all the guns, and if we ever do enjoy a world without violence, it will be the result of all people enjoying the basic human freedom and dignity outlined in the Bill of Rights. All of the violence of the last century, whether it be the result of war or want, has been spawned by those who would remove those rights.

You probably believe that your education or knowledge base is the culmination of information that you’ve drawn from varied sources, but the fact of the matter is, that with the exception of a few independent media outlets on the internet, all information that’s available to Americans has always been under strict control of one political movement, and this same political movement has also funded all of the “liberal” causes of our lifetime.

A cursory examination of the hippies, the woman’s liberation movement, the gay rights movement, the open dissemination of pornography, the endless encouragement of perversion, abortion, globalism,   and political correctness itself, reveals that their philosophies are rooted in fantasies, or someone’s opinion regarding how to improve the world, based only on dreams and speculation, with absolutely no facts to support them. If we closely examine these political movements, what we see is Zionist funding and leadership behind all of them.

Before too long, every movement or suggestion that falls into the “liberal” category is immediately adopted without individual scrutiny, simply because it’s the latest facet of the “liberal” religion, that has all of them worshiping the same collection of lies.

And since “liberalism” is now known to be based on lies, and funded by traitors to our government, it only makes sense to revisit some of the more “conservative” (or “American”) ideals and viewpoints, because these were our starting point before the philosophies promoting moral and cultural destruction were made popular by the subversives’ media.

The conservative side of any political debate is always based in fact, precedent, and lessons learned from history. The conservative view, and conservative standards, have proven themselves superior by withstanding the test of time. They’ve lasted, and should be preserved, because we have proof of their worth.

Before the onset of modern liberalism, which I estimate as beginning in the 1960s, Americans were free and proud people, and there was little or no disagreement concerning what was good, bad, normal, or abnormal behavior. It was only the liberals’ gradual bending of everyone’s standards, and the endless attack on what we all agreed was accepted morality, that began to change, and destroy, our great nation.

The destruction of morality has always been the easiest, and most assuredly successful route to destroying a country, and not just sexual morality, but also the undermining of virtue by making a mockery of pride, and even dignity itself.               What can you be proud of? What was your contribution to society other than debasing yourself on the alter of mammon, ready and willing to do whatever is necessary to possess another dollar? The biggest problem we face as a nation is the lack of respect for the virtuous traits that once comprised a shining record of a man’s life, which have now been turned into laughable faults and weaknesses to be exploited.

It was the Zionist-owned media, and the Zionist-funded political movements that destroyed all that was good in this country, and which you’re probably now discovering also destroyed all that was genuinely good about life itself.

The pleasure of any luxury, the excitement of any thrill, or the pride in possessing a shiny bauble or trinket can never compare to owning an unblemished history of honor, virtue, and integrity. These are the most valuable things you’ll ever own, because they’re the only things you own that can’t be taken from you. But of course, you were taught to disparage these possessions, to facilitate the destruction of morality on a national scale.

The Bill of Rights is the glue that binds all Americans together, regardless of their race, religion, or political views. It’s the document that defines who Americans are, and it embodies our traditional, and universal political beliefs.

When the people insist on it’s enforcement, it guarantees equality, peace, and freedom from corrupt or oppressive governments, and forces us all to treat one another respectfully. The document, and the ideals outlined therein, have never failed or been flawed, and their only imperfection lies in it’s need for the population to enforce it.

Forget all about practicing “liberalism”, and instead learn its history. What you’ll discover is that it’s all been a scam to separate you from who you are, and who you deserve to be, and that’s a sovereign American national, blessed and protected by his God-given rights, outlined by the founders of this nation. First be an American, and remember your civic duty of enforcing the Bill of Rights. Hold it sacred, be ready to defend it, and we’ll work on bending all of the other rules later.   — Jolly Roger

“A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.”   — Mark Twain (attrib.)

11 thoughts on “For “liberals”.

  1. Good stuff as always, JR.

    For those who haven’t already, I strongly recommend reading the works of Prof. Kevin MacDonald regarding the Jewish origins and continued leadership of the leftist causes JR mentions. MacDonald takes an academically rigorous approach, meticulously citing sources that are almost invariably of Jewish origin.

    One of MacDonald’s published books, Culture of Critique, is especially relevant to any discussion of Jews and liberalism. MacDonald has also written essays that can be found online with a simple search. While most of these pertain to Jewish involvement with the Left, at least one also shines light on the Jewish origins of the neoconservative movement — the backbone of the “War on Terror” and the associated destruction of the Bill of Rights.

    Today we stand at a point where Jews hold enormous influence both major wings of US politics. About 50% of DNC funding comes from Jewish donors; if memory serves, the figure is about 25% for the GOP. These figures are HUGE, especially for a group whose members only amount to two or three percent of the US population. And let’s not forget that ownership of the US mainstream media is highly centralized in mostly Jewish hands.

    No, not all Jews are “bad” or even politically active. Some are even on our team (e.g., I’ve always admired the late Bobby Fischer). But there IS such a thing as Jewish Supremacism, and it runs rampant through the Jewish community. Prof. MacDonald might describe it as a group evolutionary strategy, embedded in the collective consciousness of most Jews. Whatever interpretation one prefers, it’s hard to argue with his facts.

    1. wow… Thanks a lot, BMF. Some supporting reference material is exactly what that article needed.

      And you’re right when you say “not all Jews are bad”, because I personally know several who are working on our side, and doing the right thing.

      Our problems all stem from Zionists, who comprise a small portion of Ashkenazi Jews, but since they’ve hijacked the Jewish religion as their cover (and always have), many innocent Jews will share the blame for their crimes (and they always have).

      1. The SPLC and otheres have branded McDonald as an, “anti-Semite.”

        I thank them for the recommendation by way of the anti-Semite label. I’ll be reading his work NOW.

  2. “Jewish Supremacism” is an oxymoron. They might be “supreme” pieces of sh*t, but that’s about it.

    Zionists, dirty, double-dealing weasels, charlatins, hoodwinkers, sewer crawlers, wreaking of urine, trudge down the streets looking for their next mark. Granny’s purse, no problem, but he’ll buy it from the guy who stole it, he can’t get any dirt under his fingernails. Rigging the stock market, no problem! “Place your bets Gentlemen!” “Throw money.” “We’re playing Monopoly and I’m the banker with a “Get out of Jail Free” card. “How do you like me now?”

  3. JR, thanks for taking the time to write this and share at FTT.

    Like Henry say, theres no right or left, liberal or conservative, democrat or republican, there IS our law, the Bill of Rights, period.

  4. I am not a racist in any form or matter. I generate my objective opinions based on the facts that I have researched on educated dissertation throughout millennia. From the roman empire, “Divide et impera”
    It has nothing to do with liberals or conservatives. Look at the names running your country. chump will continue the process. People have no rights until you stand tall.

  5. Very well written as always Jolly Roger.
    Every time we talk about the right and the left I just can’t help thinking about this guy:

  6. Lie berals.
    A statement from Mark Passio.

    As morality increases.
    Freedom increases.
    As morality decreases.
    Tyranny increases.

    Look at the country’s morality.
    Then you’ll also see our level of tyranny.
    Frightening isn’t it.

  7. That’s not my opinion, but instead it’s something along the lines of how a dictionary would define these things.
    Some ‘actual’ dictionary definitions of Liberal.
    -not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted
    1325-75; Middle English < Latin līberālis of freedom, befitting the free, equivalent to līber free + -ālis -al1
    Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English lēodan to grow,
    I am glad you qualitifed your statement about liberal as being "along the lines" of a dictionary definition, instead of an actual dictionary definition.
    My simple definition is that Liberals are open to adaptation of the status quo, and Conservatives want to conserve the status quo. both have there place are needed!

    1. It is not about conservative or liberal, as both are irrelevant in the common law, which simply weighs one person’s right against another to find infringement.
      You can be liberal or conservative in your castle, in the public square, it is right on right, with each who judges a right, judging it against his own, along with the other fella’s, and of course the procedures and absolutes contained in the Bill of Rights. 4 through 8 leave no room for opinion either way.

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