Found! Secret U.S. Bunkers!

Before It’s News – by LynLeahz

It seems so many secrets are being discovered in this generation, and they are all so intriguing. From aliens and ships, to hidden bunkers and NWO agendas…there is yet much to be told!

YouTube Description:  As the Cold War reached its boiling point the US began to make plans to protect the country and the president. Elaborate defense preparations were made in the event of nuclear war. Highly secret bunkers were constructed and a covert shadow government program was born. Now these newly opened bunkers are brought into view… in some of the most unexpected places imaginable.  


10 thoughts on “Found! Secret U.S. Bunkers!

  1. Yeah there used to be fallout shelters in schools and churches and other places I don’t know about and now nothing nowhere cause we are just chopped liver.

    1. Well geeze RT thank you 🙂 . I had to think about it when that old alex jones was on but then again he was just a small part of the vid.

  2. There’s only one thing to remember if and when the nukes start flying.


    (that’s from the fifties for those not older than dirt like me) 🙂

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