Four Chinooks entering Joe Foss Field, SD 6-13-2015

Published on Jun 13, 2015 by Hal Apeeno

Four Chinooks(Shithooks) coming in to Joe Foss Field, South Dakota. Sioux Falls Regional Airport June 6, 2015 approx. 11:51 hours. Crappy recording. Did the best that I could for the time given. Couldn’t see the screen due to the angle of the sun but tried my best. Not the best camera as well. There seems to be a lot more air and ground activity lately.

I have lived in the Sioux Falls area for 20+ years and in this particular spot for about 5 years. I’ve never seen so much activity until lately by air or land, of coarse it has been picking up for the last one and a half years.  I see small convoys almost daily on I-90 as well as a shit load of stops by State Troopers.  Expect more of this kind of thing in the future as I will be setting up the best I can to capture more activity.

6 thoughts on “Four Chinooks entering Joe Foss Field, SD 6-13-2015

  1. Nowhere land (fly over country) is a good place to hang out for either side(pay attention). LOL! the footage weirdly reminds me of Vietnam footage…..Weird except for the pine tree.

        1. Nothing towards you Hal, when a guy talks “Nam” and now it seems to really be “coming home”, poppin’ the lid off is meant to say blowing the lid on the fiasco before it starts.

          1. I thought that I may have pissed you off Millard. I hear what you’re saying. Thank you for straightening me out.

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