Fuksuhaima breaking news; the Pacific Genocide 311 all HANDS on deck keivn d blanch 8/8/13

Published on Aug 8, 2013 by kevin blanch

The black and yellow journalist, the marine biologist nuclear uncle tom whores, the propagandist the Pacific genocide sympathizer’s, DO NOT LET THEM OFF THE HOOK CALL THEM OUT BY NAME,
Post Ignorance kevin d blanch
573 south, 4700 west , Ogden Utah

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4 thoughts on “Fuksuhaima breaking news; the Pacific Genocide 311 all HANDS on deck keivn d blanch 8/8/13

  1. People cannot handle the truth… a lie is easier to accept. This is a fact whether you are an ignorant American, or not. Besides, there isn’t a damn thing you can do to escape this end game event. Even moving to South America won’t make a difference because radiation is in the water and the air.

    Stand your ground and fight? All hands on deck? We might as well be on the deck of the Titanic. What the hell are you going to do, call the MSM liars, jump up and down while screaming pointless profanities?

    Unless you have a constructive fix to the problem (in which no one does), or you have the ability to move to another sustainable planet, then you might as well just STFU. Bend over, place your head between your legs, and kiss your silly ass good-bye.

    Some people (like the panicked talking head in this video) can’t handle pressure, let alone the truth.

  2. Hey moron. Nobody knows what the hell your talking about. Your veins are sticking out of your neck, your spitting all over the camera, and rambling about who knows what. If you want to make a point, start out slow and logical and then increase the intensity. Now go back to your cage.

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