Full Police Investigation Into Sandy Hook Shooting Released

sandy hook elementary shootingBusiness Insider – by PAMELA ENGEL

The State’s Attorney of Danbury, Conn. has released its full report on the Dec. 14, 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school shooting.

Authorities released a summary of their report last month that said investigators weren’t able to determine a motive for Adam Lanza’s massacre. He killed 20 school children, six adults, and his own mother before shooting himself in the Newtown, Conn. school. 

The full report is several thousand pages long and contains additional evidence from the investigation. The case is now closed.

This is a breaking news story. Check back for updates.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/sandy-hook-shooting-police-investigation-2013-12#ixzz2oj1NU8S9

4 thoughts on “Full Police Investigation Into Sandy Hook Shooting Released

  1. case closed..my arse hole..this one and the batman and the boss stoned, 911 ,and the kennedys and all the other strange murders..not closed..not forgiven..we know whom you are and who did it..only time will tell..time is on our side..now bleed for us you vermin..the grapes of wrath are grown now. we would rather die than live in a nwo world..

  2. Like grampa Hammel used to say,”If they woulda’ stayed home it wouldn’t a happened.”Public schools are teaching a valuable lesson.That they are lap dogs of the tyrannical state,that they substitute propaganda for education and they are veritable killing fields for C.I.A. sponsored Manchurian candidates.Most people are born with nore intellect than they die with.A sorry fact that will only increase as our livers improve.

  3. My Fellow Patriots:

    Here it is,.. the latest Bull-Crap Cover Story for ANOTHER US Fed Gov’t Sponsored Black-Op.

    This is called,. “The Official Cover Story For Newtown”

    For other fine examples of complete cover story, great works of fiction,.. please review:

    1) 9/11 Commision Report

    2) Oklahoma Bombing Report

    3) Twin Towers Bombing Report

    4) Ruby Ridge Report

    5) Branch Davidian Cult Report

    6) Warren Commission Report (Kennedy Assassination)

    7) Gulf Of Tonkin Report

    and so on,.. and so on….

    JD – US Marines – Does anyone see a pattern here???

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