GCHQ boss left in 2017, after Obama ordered Project Fulsome spy ring against Trump

Puppet String News

Telegraph UK Reports: Robert Hannigan, the director of GCHQ, has resigned from his job as head of one of the three Government intelligence agencies after just two years. GCHQ would only say that Mr Hannigan had left his post for “personal reasons” and that he was not sacked or subject to disciplinary proceedings. In a letter to the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, he hinted that the strain placed on his family by his job had prompted his resignation.   

Looks like we are starting to discover the true connections to Obama’s illegal FISA spy ring against President Trump, where a document from GCHQ was leaked today where Obama ordered the Trump spy ring at GCHQ called Project Fulsome. Now the former boss of GCHQ Robert Hannigan stepped down from the company after Obama ordered Project Fulsome the illegal spy ring against Trump after Obama ordered it.

This GCHQ document is very important, because this is likely the connection to the FISA memo that still isn’t released…And not only is Obama part of it and the source of the illegal spy ring against Trump has been found but you could probably describe this as an act of war by the United Kingdom. You will see down below when Project Fulsome was ordered by Obama to illegally get the FISA warrant against President Trump an American citizen down below…But it really looks like we found the source of both the FISA memo and what began the illegal spying on President Trump, and Obama worked with foreign nationalists to do this.



One thought on “GCHQ boss left in 2017, after Obama ordered Project Fulsome spy ring against Trump

  1. The rats are running for cover, and all of the crimes are being exposed, but absolutely none of them will spend so much as a night in jail.

    I guess it’s good for Nielsen ratings, and to maintain the illusion of justice, but in the real world, they’ll only pay for their crimes if the people force them to.

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