George Carlin Illuminati New World Order Exposed

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Uploaded on Aug 8, 2010 by killuminati331

A great piece by George Carlin, taken from his album “Life Is Worth Losing” in 2005. He talks about the Global Elite ”our owners”. He was well aware of the New World Order and in his own way he managed to spread the truth extremely successful with comedy. Listen to this clip! You will be amazed!

R.I.P. George you are being missed!!!

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6 thoughts on “George Carlin Illuminati New World Order Exposed

      1. …can you imagine Carlin’s take on Obama….that would probably be one of the funniest effing’ rants he ever devised…so much

        RJ O’Guillory
        Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

    1. He’s still here as far as I’m concerned digger. I have all of his material and listen to it often. He’s my favorite comedian.

  1. I’m being hacked again, someone cut off the video 2/3rd of the way thru. As I’ve been saying all along, the Evilists of the Federal Reserve/European Central Bank can’t stand the truth because everything they spew is a vial lie……

    Yes, George Carlin will be missed but not forgotten….travel well to your next assignment!

    All of you must expose the lies & continue to crusade for Freedom, Liberty, Justice & Truth

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