New York Daily News – by Joe Kemp
This Bud’s for him!
A Georgia man said he braved a raging house fire to save his stash of Bud Light.
Walter Serpit, who walks with a cane, was watching television in his Columbus home with five other adults and two children when the room began to fill with smoke on Thursday afternoon, he told WTVM.

Firefighters arrived soon later and extinguished the blaze, which residents suspect started from a recently installed water heater.
Serpit made sure everyone escaped the flames, but he turned back to grab his brew.
“I told them to get the kids out and everything and me myself, being an alcoholic, I was trying to get my beer out,” he told the news station.
“I went back into the house like a dummy and the door shut on me because this back draft was about to kill me.”

Serpit went back into the burning home after he helped five adults and two children escape the flames.
He managed to grab several cans of beer before escaping unharmed.
Firefighters arrived a short time later and extinguished the blaze, which residents suspect may have started from a recently installed water heater.
The family was being cared for by the Red Cross.
I’m surprised the moron didn’t try to save the television first.
Beer is a helluva lot cheaper than a new t.v.
Good one, Angel. 🙂
Now that’s a dedicated beer drinker. “I gotta save my beer!!”
That’s an idiot, bar none.
with those teeth my guess is beer is code for crack.
FAR likelier than beer.