Gingrich: Let’s Create New Version Of House Un-American Activities Committee

Talking Points Memo – by Allegra Kirkland

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich proposed the creation of a new version of the controversial House Un-American Activities Committee to root out American citizens who plan to commit terrorist attacks in the U.S.

“We originally created the House Un-American Activities Committee to go after Nazis. We passed several laws in 1938 and 1939 to go after Nazis and we made it illegal to help the Nazis. We’re going to presently have to go take the similar steps here,” Gingrich said in a Monday appearance on “Fox and Friends.”

Originally founded in 1938, the committee investigated suspected threats of Nazi subversion and anti-government propaganda. During the Cold War, its activities sprawled, leading to the blacklist of Hollywood stars and left-wing activists, writers, and academics accused of having Communist ties.

In 1959, former President Harry Truman infamously called the committee “the most un-American thing in the country today.”

Gingrich also suggested that the U.S. will inevitably “declare a war on Islamic supremacists” living here due to the number of terrorist attacks that have been committed by American citizens, such as those in San Bernardino, California and at the Fort Hood military base.

“We’re going to say, if you pledge allegiance to ISIS, you are a traitor and you have lost your citizenship,” Gingrich said.

Under current law, the U.S. cannot revoke the citizenship of natural-born U.S. citizens against their will.

Watch the video of Gingrich’s interview below courtesy of Media Matters.

3 thoughts on “Gingrich: Let’s Create New Version Of House Un-American Activities Committee

  1. Hey Fig Newton, if you want to do this, then start with the people in Congress, the White House, and the Pentagon since they are the ones who created and financed ISIS and pledged their allegiance to it, you dumbass!

    Stop blaming everyone else for the problems you and they created. Oh wait, then you wouldn’t be a politician now would you?

    Speaking of politicians, I thought you retired after 2012 election.

    Your time as politician is over. Shut the hell up for once, you treasonous piece of shit!

  2. Eye of Newt, pecker of Billy (goat), dust of the Grand Wahzoo (FZ), dried powder of politician’s brain ( very rare), a pinch of Hillary’s compassion (doesn’t exist), with a dash of Trump’s humility (Yeah, right), mix with the blood of a troll (Mitch McConnell) and ground vampire fangs (Paul Ryan), simmer in a kettle until thick and disgusting, serve with a side of afterbirth on toast. Anything you can think of that is vomit inducing describes these creatures as the bottom feeding scum they are.

    Newt Gingrich, a fat pig who’s had his nose in the trough for years, deserves death by slow torture, the same thing he’s put we Americans through since his Repug Revolution in 1994. He needs to STFU!

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