GoFundMe cancels grieving father’s fundraiser for son who died from vaccine

The BL – by Celeste Caminos

A Texas man was prohibited from collecting donations after his teenage boy was fatally immunized against the deadly disease.

GoFundMe banned Ernest Ramirez for sharing “prohibited conduct” on the crowdfunding platform. His so-called unacceptable behavior was fundraising for his late son, Ernesto Jr., who died from the Pfizer vaccine on April 25.

The father used the page to explain how his only 16 year-old son was in good health, and regularly played baseball since he was 7 years-old. Advertising claimed the vaccine is safe for adolescents, and convinced him to book-in Ernesto Jr. for the jab on April 19. Five days later the teenager died from a dilated heart.

“My son received the vaccine and he died a few days later, and the only explanation that was given to me was an enlarged heart,” Ramirez said according to Life Site News. “I love the hell out of my country but I do not trust my government anymore.”

Many people started donating to the grieving Texan. However, the father became outraged to learn GoFundMe had shut down the page and returned all proceeds back to donors.

“We need to yell, we need to fight, we need to do something–his life was worth much more than what the government or anybody else thinks,” he said according to the publication.

Independent journalist Ivory Hecker shared the tragic story with her social network followers.

“16 year-old Ernesto Ramirez died of an enlarged heart five days after the jab, according to his autopsy which showed his heart was double the normal size,” she said on Twitter. “This story documents a father’s struggle for answers and justice.”

Texans for Vaccine Choice separately invited Ramirez to deliver a guest speech on Aug. 21. The father also spoke at several rallies against mandatory vaccines across the Lone Star State. He is now trying to lobby Washington to be more transparent about vaccine-related deaths.

Another fundraising campaign was launched on the conservative Life Funder platform, which had already attracted more than $4,080 at the time of publication.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website claims COVID-19 vaccines are effective and safe. However, some serious adverse effects have been reported, even in young people.

mRNA and myocarditis linked

Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology is used in COVID vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson Laboratories.

CDC previously acknowledged a link exists between mRNA vaccines and cardiac inflammation, which occurs primarily in young people. The federally funded agency also recommended that doses should carry a warning statement.

More than 1,200 cases of heart inflammation were reported in patients aged between 16 and 24, who received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine with experimental mRNA technology.

mRNA technology developer Robert Malone expressed serious doubt about vaccinating people under the age of 18. He used an interview with Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to question how the CDC can effectively inform the public about vaccine risks without sufficient or properly organized data.

The BL

2 thoughts on “GoFundMe cancels grieving father’s fundraiser for son who died from vaccine

  1. Sorry to hear this
    Go Fck me can Fck off too
    “I love the hell out of my country but I do not trust my government anymore.”

    So you did before this?
    Sorry to hear that too
    It’s time for a lot of people to wake the Fck up

    They killed your kid with this poison !
    Are you just going to go home and sit there waiting for an apology?

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