3 thoughts on “Greenlight A Vet

  1. My first thought is a green light means go, I can’t say for sure, but I do know the tyranny we are experiencing when it comes to the physical realm is 100% brought to us by the military and the police (both are called veterans and this video didn’t differentiate). The politicians/lawyers/bankers/media and entertainment sectors are nothing more then pen strokes and hot air, they need us to worship at the alter of the ORDER FOLLOWERS for their system to have power. In conclusion Greenlight might mean the ISM (communism, fascism, etc pick your semantic flavor) is about to get a whole lot more oppressive and the PTB needs your support or at least your silence.

    1. Bingo. You nailed it.

      For the life of me, I can’t understand why I should support someone just because he signed up to be a mercenary for corrupt, evil politicians and bureaucrats. And “Order Followers,” as you accurately refer to them, are indeed the ONLY threat to our freedom and our Bill of Rights.

      Of course, most “conservative” gun owners continue to “Support Our Troops!” and cry rivers whenever a cop gets shot. Yet they despise Hillary and are buying up guns like crazy in case she wins the election. They fail to ask themselves: If “our troops” and the police are on our side, then why do “conservatives” need to fear a Hillary victory? “Our” enforcers will simply refuse to obey unconstitutional orders under a Hillary administration, right? Since they’re “the good guys” and all?

      1. Green Light just means we accept wars of aggression.
        So the vets that realize they were used as tools can come home and blow their own heads off. Or be demonized by the gun grabbers.
        I’d gladly give green light to a vet who meant well then realized they were used.

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