Published on Feb 26, 2014 by Joe from the Carolinas
This video demonstrates growing and sowing Red Winter Wheat on a naturally decomposing hardwood tree. Texmex called into the program last night and I referenced the experiment. Wanted to put up a new video for listeners to demonstrate this works even without soil, provided you have the proper conditions. This oak log was not buried, but because it was in full shade, it began decomposing as-is. You can see the moss as an indicator of shade conditions of the canopy layer of the forest above. K-9 unit wanted to say hi to the listeners as well =)
.mp3 Archives of Grow Your Own: The Budding Revolution are available at:
all good posts. thanks.
Great Joe!!! You are the permaculture master!! I am going to learn so much from you!!
Hi Ya Missy. miss you in the pub.
hey paul, I had to leave the house for work!! I am at the end of my abstract and my schedule is not going to be normal. I was at my co-workers house today. I miss you guys too, and I get on the internet at night, but nobody is commenting.
Steve and I have been working on the program, we start March 6, and an hour is a lot of time to fill!! Plus I have been getting all of my seeds started for the garden, whew, I am worn out just thinking about all of that!!!
Schedule is just real demanding right now!! 
hang in there yall.