Gun & ammo websites banned under United Nations takeover of Internet

Published on Mar 19, 2014 by Dave Acton Urban Survival

“Evidently relinquishing America’s control of the internet via our Icann control of domain names was what Obama meant when he led his adoring followers in those strange, kind of creepy chants of ‘Yes-We-Can,'” Palin wrote on Wednesday. “Surrendering our control of the Internet is a colossal foreign policy error with long term negative repercussions for freedom.”

14 thoughts on “Gun & ammo websites banned under United Nations takeover of Internet

  1. Palin wrote on Wednesday. “Surrendering our control of the Internet is a colossal foreign policy error with long term negative repercussions for freedom.”

    Yeah, thanks for the sound advice, Palin. Now go back home to that cold little hole in your wall and stay there, ya traitor.

    It makes me kinda wonder if Palin still feels the same way about McCain as she did when she was running for vice-president alongside him in 2008? McCain would be all for this Internet control, yet she is not.

    I guess it doesn’t matter since she is controlled opposition anyways.

  2. I don’t think that they will stop with that. Anything deemed to be “anti-Semite”, anything “militant” in nature, anything that doesn’t “promote their common good” will probably be banned as well. That will shut down the alternate web that we all currently use. We will have to find another way of communicating our cause. Maybe go back to print or even FM and CB type communications. Or maybe we can say enough is enough at that point and start the revolution. That idea sounds better to me!

  3. So now then, I guess that that would also put a stop to Elmer Fudd and that rabbit, bugs bunny. Also no more of that Wiley E. Coyote and the Road Runner either then I guess.

  4. Time to go to an internet that the governments can not shut down.

    Look up

    In place of .com, .net, .gov, which can be shut down with a threat letter, the .bit type of domain name has all the web site information diversified and the government can not shut it off.
    The web site will give a better explanation than I can.

    It costs next to nothing to register a site and updates come very quickly.

  5. 4 days ago a host of my regularly visited sites were blocked. Listed under the reasons for each site was: Weapons/eCommerce/shopping—–Hate/discrimination—-Proxy/Anomomizer, etc. At the bottom of each blocked sign was a notice “powered by OpenDns” I searched for a virus for days, and found no virus or malware. Finally fed-up I called my IP and they instantly knew what I was talking about. They sent me a file to scan my computer for things related to Opendns, I sent the results back to them and they changed my DNS provider. Everything is back to normal, but I can bet I will see more of this in the future. We no longer have freedom of speech, and with the internet in the hands of the UN it will be a dictators dream.

    1. this is beyond my expert level of such, but I bet you are correct and also, the US did this with planning….
      Perhaps we all should get Ham radio sets and licenses….there is that word again…
      cb radio also works….@farmerdave

      1. I am working on it. I have a friend of a friend that is into ham radio. Hoping to get all of the info together soon. There are three levels of licensing. If you choose the lowest license it is easy and cheap.

  6. Short of a EMP/nuke war/planet killing comet there will always be workarounds,if not,might as well pull the plug because the net will be dead,let the hackers then destroy what is left,no need to allow only powers that think they be have free reign with net.

  7. Time for underground communication and a list of words that will not trigger the U.N. protocols.
    . . .

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