Guts and Firepower of the 2nd Amendment Backed up the Protesters Exercising their 1st Amendment – Any Questions?

cowboyscommunistsLone Star Watchdog

For those who think tyrants will back off by peaceful protest with nothing to back it up is going to work. You are nuts. History has shown example after example tyrants do not give up power easily, especially to a disarmed crowd who will not be winning to stand up and push back. Despots will laugh is large crowds gathering and pleading with a monster to repent is all wishful thinking. To do the Battling in the info-war is one peaceful function we can do because the war on information is a big part of the battle. In early America the info-war came way before preparing the colonist’s heats and mind being ready for the battle at Lexington and Concord.  

In 1946 when veterans returned home from World War II to Athens Tennessee. The former servicemen coming home to a corrupt local government. When they formed a political party called the GI party trying to take back the local government from corrupt politicians that entrenched themselves while the men were off fighting a war to free  the people from the very tyrannical system they are trying to rid off in their own home towns. When the politicians abused their power and tried to rigged the election to hold onto power. The veterans known peaceful means were over. no longer effective to bring the necessary change in government, When the veterans knew game is rigged to favor the corruption. The GIs took actions beyond peaceful measures, it was time to bear arms and take back the government by force.  At the end of the day. The corrupt sheriff and his forces were surrounded and outnumbered by the veterans outside the county building. They surrendered to the veterans. The formed a new government. The State of Tennessee recolonized the new government after the revolt. Firepower speaks louder than words when push comes to shove.


In the 1960s when black civil right protesters were being beaten up by the Klu Klux Klan in the southern states. it seemed there was no protection from the government when it came to the klan attacking peaceful protesters redressing their grievances for their God given rights acknowledged by the first amendment for the right to peacefully assemble.  A group of Black veterans formed a militia group called the Deacons of Defense and Justice to protected the civil rights marchers.

The Deacons of Defense and Justice were the security force behind the Freedom Riders. As a result. There was no more violent incidents when this militia shown its force. Dr Martin Luther King had these non violent marches exercising their first amendment right to peacefully assemble when the second Amendment was backed up by the Deacons of Defense and Justice when Martin Luther King asked this militia group of veterans to be their security force since the police could not be trusted. That is a fact.


When the Bundy ranch showdown happened last April 12th. I hear of many people were taking the credit of the Bureau of Land Management backing down because they were overwhelmed and awe inspired by disarmed protesters. Not was not the case. The reason the BLM backed down because the militia from around the country came the Cliven Bundy’s aid ready to use force if necessary to defend the ranch from a illegal Federal take over. Firepower won the day. It has nothing to do with peacefully assembling. The right to keep and bear arms protected free speech at the end of the day standing against the BLM to take back the stolen cattle because a few hardcore patriots were willing to fight for our God given liberty.

The founders recognizing the right to keep and bear arms for the people was so the militia which is the population at large having the firepower necessary to fight off tyranny from our own government if it comes too oppressive as well as repel an invasion from a foreign power.


The Whiskey rebellion and Shays rebellion were all based on people taking up arms to revolt against an unjust tax imposed on them that was unjust. Even Justice Anthony Scallia said if tax is unjust. The right to revolt is just.

Firepower is the means taking back our God given liberties with deadly force, Not by peaceful marches. History has shown protest never done much of anything to make change happen.  If we want to speak your mind . Smith and Wesson with their buddy Colt will always back you up. Any questions?



2 thoughts on “Guts and Firepower of the 2nd Amendment Backed up the Protesters Exercising their 1st Amendment – Any Questions?

  1. For all the reasons above and other events not published is the reason the FEDS are determined to deprive veterans of their guns. They know they are to be reckoned with and the vets know it.

  2. I like Lone Star Watchdog, but this article is an English teacher’s nightmare. Did the author even grammar check this before publishing it? It’s got punctuation errors and fragments all over the place. Very poorly written and difficult to read, but regardless, I get the idea of what the author is saying.

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