Harvard University LGBT Fact Sheet Claims Gender Can ‘Change Day To Day’

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: These people have lost all of their marbles. Anyone sending their kid to this school to get an “education” is making a grave error and wasting a whole lot of cash. Common sense has been thrown out the window.

A new Harvard University factsheet on gender dysphoria is urging students to “fight transphobia” by learning what the university claims are facts associated with the fluidity of gender.  

According to Campus Reform, the Ivy League school’s Office of BLGTQ Student Life recently distributed a “fact sheet” to students on campus titled “Get the facts about gender diversity. Fight transphobia.”

The document begins by asserting that “sex assigned at birth and gender identity are not necessarily the same.”

“Sex assigned at birth, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, hormonal makeup, physical anatomy, and/or how one is perceived in daily life are not necessarily related,” the sheet reads, adding that “there are more than two sexes.”

Source: Harvard University LGBT Fact Sheet Claims Gender Can ‘Change Day to Day’

World Events and the Bible

2 thoughts on “Harvard University LGBT Fact Sheet Claims Gender Can ‘Change Day To Day’

  1. Gender can change day to day.
    Alright fine be that way.
    Well I have a great idea.

    Why doesn’t Harvard team up with MIT and write a new children’s book.

    I think they should call it.

    When Harry met Sally and couldn’t figure out what the fk she was again today.

    Or maybe…
    Your brother has breasts today but won’t have them tomorrow.

    Dad wears Mom’s panties eating green eggs and ham.

    That’s how you win the hearts and minds.
    I mean…it’s not like there’s a secret agenda here or anything.

    That’s just conspiracy rubbish.

  2. And these people are supposed to be the smart ones. More than two sexes? I didn’t think they liked it when when called them “it”. Guess I have to go to an ivy league college to comprehend that kind of logic. Common sense doesn’t cut it.

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