Hervé Ryssen Sentenced To 17 Months In Prison For Challenging Jewish Version™ Of World War II


At the behest of powerful Jewish supremacist groups, a French court has sent another “unrepentant” goy to prison on Friday for daring to alert the public of historical facts that implicitly contradict the state-sanctioned Jewish version of what actually transpired in World War II

Hervé Lalin — who also goes by the name Hervé Ryssen — has now begun a 17-month jail term at the Fleury-Mérogis prison near Paris for the three offenses, committed between 2017 and 2020.

The court convicted Lalin for a series of antisemitic postings on Facebook and Twitter, as well as for a video he published on YouTube in 2018 — called “The Jews, Incest and Hysteria” — in which he attacked Jews as a “people of incest.”

A book-length screed by Lalin — published in 2018 and titled “Antisemitism Without Complexity or Taboo” — was condemned for denying the truth of the Nazi Holocaust, a criminal offense in France.

In a recent analysis of the French far right, the newspaper Liberation identified Lalin as an integral member of a network of propagandists who were dedicated to the denial and distortion of the Holocaust.

As well as Lalin, the group includes Jerome Bourbon Rivarol, Alain Soral, Yvan Benedetti and Vincent Reynouard — all of whom engage “in systematic denial of the crimes of the Third Reich and the rehabilitation of the murderous [Nazi] regime,” the paper noted.

France has been under the boot heel of the Rothschild banking dynasty since it orchestrated the French Revolution through its Illuminati sayanim in the Judeo-Masonic lodges throughout France.

Pawns In The Game by William Guy Carr is a must-read for anyone interested in who orchestrated these European “revolutions”.

The Scottish novelist, Walter Scott (1771-1832), wrote about the hidden hand behind the French Revolution is his book The Life Of Napoleon, which has been all-but memory-holed by now.

There is very compelling evidence that the Protocols Of the Learned Elders Of Zion were composed by Jewish  members of the Mizraim Masonic Lodge in Paris — according to Paquita de Shishmareff in her must-read Waters Flowing Eastward — and that one of the most likely candidates who oversaw the composition of the Protocols was Adolphe Cremieux, a Jewish attorney and prominent Mason.

Cremieux gained his fame by defending fellow Jews against charges of ritual murder in the notorious “Damascus Affair“.  This incident was one of the earliest examples in their sordid history where Jews banded together to defend their co-ethnics in another part of the world against serious criminal charges — and it became the blueprint going forward for international Jewry.

It just so happens that it was Cremieux who established the powerful Alliance Israelite Universelle, a Jewish supremacist society that was the precursor to today’s Anti-Defamation League in America, which was founded to defend the Leo Frank, the Jewish factory owner in Georgia who raped and murdered a young child, Mary Phagan, and tried to blamed his heinous crime on a mentally retarded Black janitor.

But the purpose of the Alliance Israelite Universelle isn’t just to defend Jewry but rather to aid and abet the destruction of their enemies — clearly the Christian nations of the world — according to a statement in their foundational documents, “The nationalities must disappear!  The religions must pass!  Israel, however, will not cease, for this small People is the chosen one of God.”

Rest assured, Hervé Ryssen is now in prison because of the enormous power and control of Jewish supremacist groups like the Alliance Israelite Universelle — which is literally hell-bent on punishing and persecuting anyone who opposes their satanic agenda of world domination.

And the fake Holocaust narrative clearly has judeo-masonic fingerprints all over it — and it would be worthwhile to research the connections between Henri Monneray, the French prosecuting attorney at the Nuremberg Trials and the Alliance Israelite Universelle — the archive of his related papers can be found here.

You can still see Herve Ryssen’s factual — and jailable — video “Jews, Incest And Hysteria” on Bitchute here.


2 thoughts on “Hervé Ryssen Sentenced To 17 Months In Prison For Challenging Jewish Version™ Of World War II

  1. ‘Pawns In The Game by William Guy Carr is a must-read for anyone interested in who orchestrated these European “revolutions”.’ This book is one of the items up for auction 🙂

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